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Core Module Lives!


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    At 9:46pm PST my first MIDIbox core module requested

a sysex dump.  I'm very happy.  Thanks to SmashTV for the

great kit!!!  I assume the first step is to load the new MIOS

and then start into programming.  I want to create an app

that translates certain sysex messages into program change

messages for my pipe organ project.    :)


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Congrats!  My girlfriend is soldering up our core module now.  (She's got the steadier hands, and there are some small parts!)  I'm still trying to figure out how we'll power it up, since we don't have a socket to plug our wall wart's output into.  We're also lacking a MIDI cable.  Maybe we'll get a SysEx request out of it tomorrow.

Starting from scratch with the MBHP as our first MIDI project is proving to be quite an adventure.

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yeah! now mine lives finally! and i think i got an app loaded. not sure as i don't have lcd yet. well i have one, but can'y figure it out. the datasheet says it has 20 pins and it doesn'tit's got 14 and 2 for el backlight. this isn't my permanent display, but i thought i could get it to work.it has a hitachi hd44780controller chip on the back. i think i can figure it out, butwill it work at all without all the wires connected?i don't want to have to solder and desolder a million times,but i think i found the power pins. any tips???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hehe, there's nothing like that feeling when your project wakes up, winks at you, and says "hello world".

Tonight was the night!  Let me tell you, there was a scary moment in the lab when I turned everything on and nothing happened.  The ladyfriend says I turned an awful shade of red.  A crazed session of debugging ensued, and I diagnosed a problem with my DIY MIDI-Gameport adapter, based off the plans at http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/hardware/pc_intfc.htm

I'd neglected to connect the "to ground" in the lower left with the "to ground" in the upper right.  I guess I was just supposed to know to do that.

Then my core module was still sitting silent.  On a hunch, I reversed the pins of the MIDI out part, and, then, success!

Next up is connecting the LCD, which looks to be relatively easy.  Some older photos show pins for LCD contrast adjusting pots, but I don't see those on my PCB.  I might also have to connect up a resistor in series with my backlight leads, as the datasheet says it only wants 4.6 volts.

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