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Stuck in mb64 bankswitch


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Hi there, I'm prevented from using my box in a 4x4 channel config, because my "bank change" buttons do not work. I'm using Vmb64 to define the four switch boutons, but when pressed nothing happened. The thing that angry me is that when sending a "request bank" sysex string from midiox there's no problem, the box switch bank according to the bank value in the sysex string, see :

F0 00 00 7E 43 <d=0>8 <nn=00> F7

;         <d> = device number (0-7)

;         <nn> = bank number (0-127)

F0 00 00 7E 43 08 00 F7

This request switch the box config to bank 1.

I don't get it, if the sysex string can do it, why the "switch to bank" preset command cannot ? I can assign other command to button with no problem, so the pushes are not faulty.

thanks for any leads (My Mbox have no LCD)

Hope I've been clear, it's damn hard to explain correctly these problems in a non maternal-language ;)


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Don't panic, I will check this sooner or later... maybe a bug, maybe a misconfiguration... you don't need to distribute your postings over different boards ;-)

Are you able to change the bank with a "program change" command at MIDI channel 16?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry for the post spread, I'm kind of impatient I know  :-X, I thought it might be a common problem.

The answer is yes, I can switch bank with program change, this gives me a workaround for now, I can put the box in a midi loop so that it will receive its own command and swap the bank (not the top way but...), didn't thought of this before !

Sorry again, and many thanks for your time again !


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