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Can the layer length be different from the track length?


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I am new here in the forum and new to the SEQ V4+ world.

It's a really cool and unique concept and I have the greatest respect for the work that has been done here in this community. To be honest, I only found it out by reading an article last year on amazona.de. 


I have a question to which I have not found an answer despite searching in this forum. If the question is wrong here in this section of the forum, I have no problem moving it to a more appropriate location, as it is actually not a "Construction" question.


What I understood so far is, that a track consists on a number of layers. The number of layers depends on how you "format" the track at the beginning of working with the track.


So the question I have is, if it would be possible that the layers could have a different length than the track itself.

For example,

you have

Layer A which contains notes. Length of the layer is 16 steps and is repeating after 16 steps

Layer B controls note velocity is repeating after 5 steps

Layer C controls gate length is repeating after 7 steps

and so on.


Maybe there is also an other way to achieve the same result. For example I haven't fully understood the nth1/nth2 function yet...


Don't kill me if it's a stupid question or if the question shows that I haven't understood the architecture of the SEQ :wink:


Thanks for your support!



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Andran, the layers follow the length of the track. 

That being said you can modify things layer by layer so they dont necessarily have to be in lock step.  

Another way to work within this structure is to set up two tracks both to the same midi channel/output of different lengths.  put note/gate info on one track, and velocity, etc info on the other.  loads of fun. This is how I work often, it leads to great sequences, uexpected results.


The nth functions allow you to set up certain behaviors every # of bars, essentially a shortcut to longer evolving pattens... (Kinda sorta mini-song mode)

Edited by srmaietta
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Another way to work within this structure is to set up two tracks both to the same midi channel/output of different lengths.  put note/gate info on one track, and velocity, etc info on the other.  loads of fun. This is how I work often, it leads to great sequences, uexpected results.

That's a way to realize it. Thanks for sharing that idea. I will solve it that way!

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