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Random Generator and Initial Note number


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hello everybody

I noticed that when randomizing clean empty track LayA(notes) with value 1,(TrgAll),it makes  -1 / +1 deviations from 64 which is E-3.

Now initial note for track is 60 (C-3) and this makes a bit strange situation ,that randomizer starts from other point then initial note value(60)


Also i want to ask if there is a way to set default initial value(now 64,C-3) of notes,there is initial value for CC(option 24/33),maybe would be great to have one, also for notes.

And maybe would be great if randomizer deviate starting from that default init value


thank you in advance

best regards


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u8 base, range;
  seq_par_layer_type_t layer_type = SEQ_PAR_AssignmentGet(visible_track, layer);
  if( layer_type == SEQ_PAR_Type_Length ) {
  base = 16;
  range = ((par_layer_range[layer] >> 2) - 1); // -> +/- 16
  if( !range || range > 128 ) // (on underrun...)
  range = 1;
  } else {
  base = 0x40; <- WILL THIS DO THE TRICK?
  range = par_layer_range[layer];
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