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LCD Problems

Guest morph

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I had built the core module and a din module which are all working fine. I added and LCD which at first worked correctly showing the copyright and responding to  button presses. However while i was trying to atach a secong DIn module the LCD stopped working. It now just shows one row of blocks and one empty row no matter what I do.

I have checked all the connections from the pic to the lcd and eveything seems OK.

Is then anything I could be missing or is my LCD broken.

Thanks for any help

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Normally that only happens if the LCD isn't initialised. Try reburning the PIC (bootstrap & MIOS).

Perhaps that second DIN was connected bad or broken or whatever... (also I never heard of a DIN deleting a PIC........ weird...).


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I have changed the pic over to a second one that I have and reburnt that one successfully with the loader and the downloaded mios. All this worked OK but the LCD is just the same.

Im thinking maybe the LCD was damaged by static, has anyone else had a similar problem?

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It can happen. although i am using one that got tossed around in a box of junk for a year or so, and was never handled as a static sensitive component should and it works fine. it has an el backlight though, which i can't test right now as i have no inverter, but the text displays properly on the screen, albeit hard to read without the backlight.

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