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Midibox Link problem


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Hi there!

I just got 2 Cores and several DINs & AINs up and running. The Cores are linked via Midibox Link and everything works so far... But now to my problem:

All buttons and faders are working and sending midi events when pressed or moved. But if I press a button that is connected to a DIN-module of the first core, I have to wait for approx. 2 or 3 seconds before I can use any button or fader connected to the second core. This only occurs in the described situation, everything else works without noticeable delays or other problems...

Any ideas what could cause the delay?

Besides a minor question:

when two cores are linked via Midibox Link, where to connect the midi-in /-out LEDs? I connected the LTC-module to J11/MI of the first core and J11/MO of the second (MAX not stuffed). The midi-out LED works fine but the midi-in LED flickers all the time (without midi-events received).

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thanks for the remark at the end, because the MIDI In LED effect indicates that there is a feedback loop in your host application - did you enable some kind of "MIDI Thru" function?

This would also explain why the second MIDIbox stalls for 2 seconds before it continues.

Please also ensure that you are using the most recent MIOS version V1.5b!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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