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is my PIC dead, or is my bootloader just missing?

Guest tew

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Tonight, as I was working on my custom MIOS application, my PIC-18 seemed to die.  I think the problem developed because I uploaded my code too early in the boot process.  I tried to re-upload MIOS 1.5, but the thing seemed to hang and never rebooted after the upload, and now all I get is a bar of black boxes on the first line of my LCD and no SysEx requests at all.  It makes me very sad.

Is anyone in the Midwest U.S. willing to reprogram my PIC with the bootloader for me?  I bought my kit from SmashTV, but decided against buying a JDM setup, since I didn't think I'd ever have to re-flash the bootloader code.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would it be possible to have you load a pic with the sid instructions.  I've got the hardware all ready, and three pic's but it's not going.  I'm about to hook an lcd up to the core modual and see if that enlightens me but I'd like to have a pic preprogrammed with both the mios software and a bootstrap.  I've got three here, and none seem to be working, yet the core modual is giving the right voltages.

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