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LCD problem


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If got a problem  ???

I have made a core and a sid module. I  checked  the voltage levels between the most important pins and there wasn’t a problem. So I connected the LCD and power.. but I only saw the backlight!

Could someone please help me?

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Have you already burnt the firmware (first the bootloader - nothing on the LCD, then MIOS - just the MIOS startup on the screen, and then the app)?

Without anything on your PIC, the LCD should be black in the first line (completely) and the second line should be blank.

Have you also moved the contrast pot (normally the contrast must be on maximum for the most LCDs to see stuff good)?

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I use the 16f firmware... because i had one spare from my mdibox 16.  ;)

i already burnt the firmware... I  have moved the pots... and all i can see now is the black first line and a second blank line.

Could there be an problem with the pic?

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It sounds to me like a pinning problem. Some LCDs have weird pinnings!! (!!!  !!! !!!)...

Try to get the datasheet or so of that type of display. If you can´t find it, try to figure out which lines are power/ground and the datalines (power/gnd: mostly a little larger, data: mostly 8 lines very narrow together and going to the ICs).

Before that you could figure out if your PIC is functioning: Just get any app on there and try to send MIDI "blind" (e.g. moving some pot or encoder or whatever). Just to look if there is coming anything out of there.

Good luck!!

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