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SID Matrix problem Solved

Guest Thomas_Holley

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Guest Thomas_Holley

When I press any row button (01 Pitch, 02 Pitch, etc) all matrix lights blink. When I press any column button (E1, E2, etc) the entire column toggles on and off. I think this is not how it should work. Any Ideas what I hosed up?



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From my experience it's a wiring error in 90% of all cases.

You could upload the MIDIO128 application in order to check if every button sends a single MIDI event. If not, you know that there is a short somewhere, and you should also be able to locate the affected digital inputs (can be derived from the sent MIDI events)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest Thomas_Holley

I agree that wiring error is the best probable culprit of my problems. I went back and rewired the whole matrix from scratch again. Checked all the LEDs to make sure they were connected right. I followed this with a battery check to make sure only one LED lit when a column and row were connected. They all test fine.

Next I measured continuity from all buttons to the connector on DIN and made sure each activated with no interaction with others. Continuity from LED to DOUT chech fine with no shorts or grounds.

Next I will chech my boards again to make sure I don't have anything shorted there. First I must sleep though.

Thanks for the help.


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Guest Thomas_Holley

I fixed a problem with audio out, as described in another thread by reprogramming.

I still have the same problem with my matrix and I think this problem also prevents assigning SID functions to other SID modules except #1.

I will look at the circuit boards again to make sure I didn't make an error there. Further suggestions are sure welcome.



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