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ultra simple Midibox .. newbie

Guest nano_nano

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Guest nano_nano

Hello, sorry I'm a newbie and am a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information on the midibox website..

I want to make a MidiBox that has 32 pots. no buttons.  no LEDS. no LCD..

My question is : how do you assign Crontrol Change numbers to each pot .  I want always the same numbers.

Which HEX file is the best to use for my application ?

Is there a FAQ or a tutorial for a no LCD midibox ?

Thanks a lot


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possibly midibox 64.

You can assign CC's to each knob using the midi learn function. (send the cc from another device, and learn it to the appropriate knob on your midibox 64.)

the 32 unused analogue inputs can be connected to ground. (or disabled in the firmware, but ask someone who knows how, and that isn't me!  :P)

I would actually go for something with ledrings instead... even the behringer unit, that is as cheap as diy!

An LCD is definately reccomended though.

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Guest psytron

like steven i recomend getting a lcd.

But if you insist on not having one.

I would probably use the ain example module (example 3) you can set the cc in mios (the code befor you compile it)

this program is a lot simpler/smaller

good luck

once you have made this one you will be bitten by the bug, you will not be able to rest on a mere 32 knobs.

look out this is an addictive hobby.

once more good luck and happy soldering

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Guest nano_nano


yes no LCD.. I want to make my Midibox as cheap and simple as possible..  I want to set the CCs once and for all.

Ok I will look in the code where to change the CCs .. But I am not really sure where to start though ???

Is there an environment variable to set to disable the LCD?

I will start with 16 knobs and the possibilty to have another 16 knobs or D-beams, joystick controllers and weirds sensors via an extension port on the Midi Box...

Getting exited!

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