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Aussie Supplier for Motorfaders

Guest timbo999

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Guest timbo999

Hello All

Another newbie posting his first of many posts!

Came across this site yesterday and have spent the last 24 hours reading it from top to bottom. Now its time to ask some questions....

Im leaning towards building the Midibox LC - I do post-audio work and like the idea of faders/transport buttons/jogwheels. Can anyone point me in the direction of an Australian supplier for motorfader units? I'm trying to cost it all up and I get the feeling that these pieces would be one of the more expensive parts. And the transport buttons, are they just a row of assigned buttons or a complete unit you can get?

Im still getting to grips with the ideas here but I'll get it soon and then ask some better questions!

Timbo  :)

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Hi Timbo,

 sorry, don't know of any Australian suppliers. There is a distributor for P+G in sydney, but you're probably looking at $100 each or more! Alltronics in the USA do panasonic motorfaders for US$5 ea, I think. But these do not have touch sensitivity, which in my opinion is a neccessity. But there are work arounds for this, and hopefully we will work out a way to add a proper system of touch sensitivity to them soon! (a wire or flat spring that rubs against the metal 'T' knob support.)


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