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programming failed code address 1000h!

Guest mujgy

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Hi, I have just built the JDM programmer and it tested out ok.  However when I go to burn the program it gives that error message.  What am I doing wrong or is there something I should change.

Im running Win XP pro   could that be a problem.  I have read through the forums and saw a few things about NT/2000/XP haveing problems.  I going to fire up my old win98 system and give it a try.


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Hi Mujgy,

the PIC16F877 has an address range of 0000h-1FFFh, so it seems that the upper half cannot be programmed.

Did you really try a 16F877 or a 16F874 (which contains only a 4k word flash)

Check also the code protection setting at the right side of the IC-Prog mainwindow. It has to be disabled for both halfes of the memory (Code Protect: CP OFF)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have the 16F874 pic.  I have the CP set to off.  And it still doesn't work.  The other funtions of the programmer work such as erase and read so I think the hardware is fine.  Should I try different delays,  Im going to buy a DMM tomorrow for more presise messurements.  Do you have any other suggestions?


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Hi Mujgy,

this explains everything: you have a PIC16F874 with a memory range from 0000h-0FFFh, therefore addresses >= 1000h are not accessible. Just select the correct PIC derivative in IC-prog and the error message will vanish.

Which firmware are you trying exactly?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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oh opps well I made a mistake writing the heading and everything   jeppers  no it says programming failed code address 0000h not 1000h.  My mistake.

Thats why I am so confused as to why its not working.  I selected the PIC16F874 chip out of the menu.  I open the the firmware and hit write to chip and then that error pops up.

Could it be the the MCLR pin1 voltage is only about 13.5v instead of 14v.  I am sure now that it is a hardware issue.


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Alright - this error message can be caused by a lot of reasons. Either your windows version isn't able to stimulate the COM port due to protection reasons (in this case you have to enable the API checkbox in the hardware setup), or something is wrong with the hardware wiring --- here you really have to follow the instructions given on the http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_jdm.html page step by step. As I wrote, the voltages don't have to be reached exactly, it's more important that all wires are connected correctly (check especially the numbers of the RS232 connector pins, if it is a female and not male connector, if the diodes are in the right direction, etc.)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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