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Bank change handler implemented for Sequencer V2

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Hello all, I am thinking of makng a bank change handler for each track or pattern in the SEQ v2 program.  

What  I was thinking was an additional track property ( or perhaps layer )  that is used for to play a bank change command.  It would need to play or trigger one time, when the pattern is initially loaded.

So you could be playing patterns in your Sequencer, then load another pattern form bankstick, for play, and it would send out the program change  to reflect the instrument or voice to be used for this pattern.   is this possible?

I understand u can use the META Event function for this type of data, but I want to integrate it into my sequencer app.

Any comments appreciated :)

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I also thought about such a feature, maybe in combination with the song mode - therefore I've reserved some memory to store patch informations (and maybe also static CC settings) in the dedicated "song bankstick".

It has nothing to do with Meta events, since such MIDI events won't be handled by the sequencer core, but by seq_song.inc.

Sorry that I cannot give you much more explicit informations, it would need much more time to describe the required changes than to program it by myself... changes have to be made at many places, not only in seq_song.inc!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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