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im looking for some sids at the moment, and was wondering where people who have made the sid module found was best to get them.

Im probibly go for ebaying them, are there any pointers about what to look for, also im sorta a little bit wary of riping open about 4 working c64s to get the sids it seems like a big waste.

Has anyone bought a sid from the catweasel site ? http://www.jschoenfeld.de/products/cwmk3_e.htm i noticed the link on the sid page, do they mind if you order 4 sids or something off them, and if anyone has ordered from them are they ok, cos i read somewhere that sids can vary in quality quite a lot, due to the production cycles and there age etc.

Anhow peoples experinces of how to get them cheepest and niceist would be dead usefull.

Thanks -ed

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Hi there!

Where are you from? Cause I got 4 SIDs left over here (4x 6581 - different revisions) . I´m not sure about one of those four SIDs. I think it´s not working right, but I´m really not sure. The other three work for sure. Wanted to sell them on Ebay the next days, but hey - it´s MBHP.

So, what would you pay for those?  ;D

Perhaps we can bring something up. Greetz!

PS: You can PM me for all that stuff.

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well ive not seen a c64 user group thats still arround in the UK.  I know of a BBC micro one and and atari one, that still do some things, but i aint seen a c64 one arround, and ive never herd of user groups having such massive stock piles of chips laying arround that they give stuff away. But hey lucky you titan!

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I go to a club meeting from them in the netherlands in the next weeks, I try to check out some SID's for you.

There will be a lot of C64 Hackers/ Hardware Cracks (Also a girl who made herself a c64 -one with hdd and graphik cards ..) who can tell me where to find stuff..


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About four SID' for 20 pounds: i told you that 20 for ONE is too much but 5 pounds each is a good price !

I believe that is difficult to find it cheaper  8)

If i found some, would you change them with me for rotary encoders for example? I dont have it yet.

Someone has big quantitities?

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