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LC Mastervolumen with Encoder

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Hi there ...

Because I didn't find a way to control the MasterVolumen in CubaseSX-GenericRemote, I want to try to integrate an encoder in my MidiboxLC to control the LC-MasterVolumen (usually controlled by one Motorfader).

Is there an easy way (means some additional code in "enc.inc") or is this more complicated ?

"No Touchsensitiv" is not a problem for me.

Thanx for any ideas ...

Bye Pearl

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody ...

Here is my solution for handling masterfader-event with an encoder. I hope that I got all the changes  ;) .

Change in lc_mproc.inc:


;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  Ex has been received: move motorfader
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ;; mask out MIDI channel (== fader number)
      movlw      0x0f
      andwf      MIOS_PARAMETER1, F
      ;; do nothing if fader number >= 8  
      movlw      0x09      ;including "MasterfaderEvent" this has to be 0x09 !!!
      IFGEQ      MIOS_PARAMETER1, ACCESS, return
      ;; exit if fader number == 0
;      movf      MIOS_PARAMETER1, W
;      skpnz
;      return
      ;; do nothing if fader number >= 9
      movlw      0x09
      IFGEQ      MIOS_PARAMETER1, ACCESS, return
      ;; master fader 8 -> 0
      movlw      0x07
      andwf      MIOS_PARAMETER1, F
      ;; move fader
      movf      MIOS_PARAMETER1, W
      goto      LC_MF_FaderMove      ; (located in lc_mf.inc)

Change in lc_mf.inc:

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  This function is called by LC_MPROC_Received_Ex when a fader should
;;  be moved
;;  Input:
;;     o fader number in WREG and MIOS_PARAMETER1
;;     o LSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER2
;;     o MSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER3
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ;; save fader number in LC_FADER_NUMBER
      andlw      0x07
      movwf      LC_FADER_NUMBER

      ;; LSB = MSB[0] | MIDI LSB
      btfsc      MIOS_PARAMETER3, 0
      bsf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, 7
      ;; MSB = MIDI MSB >> 1
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F

      ;; 10-bit value = 14-bit value >> 4
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F      ; 1
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F      ; 2
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F      ; 3
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F      ; 4
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F

      ;; check if fader is masterfader
      movlw 0x07
      IFLEQ MIOS_PARAMETER1, ACCESS, goto LC_FADER_MOVE ; branch if fader is not masterfader
      ;; store 10-bit result in LC_MFADER_POS_[LH] if fader is masterfader and return

      ;; store 10-bit result in LC_FADER_POS_[LH]

      ;; finally move fader
      movff      LC_FADER_POS_L, MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movff      LC_FADER_POS_H, MIOS_PARAMETER2
      movf      LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
      goto      MIOS_MF_FaderMove

Change in lc_enc.inc:   (in my setup last encoder No.28 is for masterfader-event)

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  This function is called by MIOS when an encoder has been moved
;;  Input:
;;     o Encoder number in WREG and MIOS_PARAMETER1
;;     o signed incrementer value in MIOS_PARAMETER2:
;;       - is positive when encoder has been turned clockwise
;;       - is negative when encoder has been turned counter clockwise
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ;; if encoder number within 0 and 7, send a V-pot event
      movlw      0x07
      ;; send generic cubase "MasterVolumen" event
      movlw      0x08
      IFGEQ MIOS_PARAMETER1, ACCESS, goto LC_ENC_SendMasterVolumen      
      ;; send generic cubase"relative"  event
      movlw 0x1c
      IFNEQ      MIOS_PARAMETER1, ACCESS, goto LC_ENC_SendCubaseRemote      ;in my setup some encoders control cubase-generic-remote

      ;; else do nothing
!! You have to modify the branches to your design !! ...and add following lines:

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  This function is called by MIOS when encoder sends "mastervolume"
;;  Input:
;;     o signed incrementer value in MIOS_PARAMETER2:
;;       - is positive when encoder has been turned clockwise
;;       - is negative when encoder has been turned counter clockwise
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

      ; -----------------------------------------------------

      ;; save incrementer in LC_MFADER_LAST_INC

      ;; now we have to add (or subtract) the incrementer from the absolute value,
      ;; which has been stored in LC_MFADER_POS_L

      ;; the simplest solution is the use of MIOS_HLP_16bitAddSaturate, which
      ;; can handle with values up to 16 bit!!! :-)
      ;; please refer to the function documentation for the input/output parameters!

      ;; set pointer to LC_MFADER_POS_L
      ;; (it is located to an even address, thats important when this function is used!)
      ;; (and since we are modifying a 16-bit value, the next address to the low-byte
      ;; is used as high-byte -> see app_defines.h)
      lfsr      FSR1, LC_MFADER_POS_L
      ;; set max value
      movlw      0xff      ; low-byte of max value
      movwf      MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw      0x03      ; high-byte of max value
      movwf      MIOS_PARAMETER2
      ;; get incrementer (which has been stored in LC_MFADER_LAST_INC)
      movf      LC_MFADER_LAST_INC, W
      ;; call routine
      call      MIOS_HLP_16bitAddSaturate
      ;; now [FSR1] = INDF1 = LC_MFADER_POS_L contains the result
      ;; MIOS_PARAMETER1[0] is set when value has been changed

      ;; exit routine if value has not been changed
      IFCLR      MIOS_PARAMETER1, 0, return
      movf LC_MFADER_POS_L, W
      movwf LC_FADER_POS_L
      movf LC_MFADER_POS_H, W
      movwf LC_FADER_POS_H
      ;; 10 bit -> 14 bit (LC_MFADER_POS_[LH] << 4)
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 1
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 2
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 3
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 4
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F

      ;; MIDI MSB: (LC_FADER_POS_H << 1) | LC_FADER_POS_L[7]
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, W
      IFSET      LC_FADER_POS_L, 7, iorlw 0x01
      movwf      LC_FADER_POS_H

      ;; MIDI LSB: LC_FADER_POS_L & 0x7f
      movlw      0x7f
      andwf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify begin of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream

      ;; finally send value: E8 LSB MSB for masterfader
      movlw      0xe8
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      movf      LC_FADER_POS_L, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      movf      LC_FADER_POS_H, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify end of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_EndStream

Add in app_defines.h :

;; masterfader value for encoder
LC_MFADER_POS_L            EQU      0x030      ; received and transmitted low byte of fader position; low byte of 16-bit absolute value, address must be even!!!
LC_MFADER_POS_H            EQU      0x031      ; received and transmitted high byte of fader position; high byte of 16-bit absolute value, address must be odd!!!
LC_MFADER_SPEED            EQU      0x032      ; the speed setting, selected by Inc/Dec button
LC_MFADER_LAST_INC      EQU      0x033      ; last incrementer

Add at the end of lc_init.inc :

      ;; set speed for encoder "masterfader" to "fast", speed exponent value is 3
      movlw        0x03                        ; speed exponent
      movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER2
      movlw        MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST        ; fast speed mode
      movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw        0x1c                        ; in my setup encoder number 28 is masterfader
      call        MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet


      ;;             <------------------------------------------------------>


Have fun  ;D


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