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problems with bankstick in sequencer


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i have just finished my sequencert, which is up and running.

however, i think i have a problem with banksticks...

i mounted four bankstick, following the direction of the drawing where 8 bankstick are connected (but i had four, so i connected only four...)

i feel the bankstick is OK, because when i turn on the seq. it compares a writing which says "loading configuration from bankstick).

BUT, when i select the menu "song" the seq. says: "no bankstick for song"... why???

i checked all the connections for the 4 banksticks and they seems OK...

(mios 1.7 with mod, seq 2.1)

should i modify something in the programming? did i miss something??


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i have just finished my sequencert, which is up and running.

however, i think i have a problem with banksticks...

i mounted four bankstick, following the direction of the drawing where 8 bankstick are connected (but i had four, so i connected only four...)

i feel the bankstick is OK, because when i turn on the seq. it compares a writing which says "loading configuration from bankstick).

BUT, when i select the menu "song" the seq. says: "no bankstick for song"... why???

i checked all the connections for the 4 banksticks and they seems OK...

(mios 1.7 with mod, seq 2.1)

should i modify something in the programming? did i miss something??


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