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In the absence of TK I would be obliged if anyone could clarify the use of the above function.

Can I use this function to enter any binary input pattern into any of the DOUT registers (0-15)?

Can I regard MIOS_PARAMETER1 as a temporary register?

Could I, for example, in the program use it to enter the current Din and then subsequently use it to enter the value of the shift register pattern in MIOS_DOUT_SRSET?

Regards Robin

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Hi Robin,

first question: yes

second question: yes (MIOS_PARAMETER1 won't be overwritten)

third question: I'm not sure what you are planning to do exactly, but I want to warn you that the DOUTs won't be updated directly, but only every 1 mS

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the reply.

This query concerns the LED display pattern for a particular Radio Button Group.  Depending on the particular Din for that Radio Button Group and whether this is a repeat (or second Press)  I want to display the appropriate LED pattern for that group to record the Din (or not).  

In the group only one LED is lit or if second press then all LED's off.

I will enter the SR number in WREG and the appropriate binary pattern in MOIS_ Para'1.  

Is this concept OK?

I hope this is clear.

Regards Robin

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Hi Robin,

alright, now it's clear - this will work.

Hint: if you've saved the button number of the group, you can convert it to 1-of-8 code (which is possibly for which you are looking for) with the MIOS_HLP_GetBitORMask - the result is the LED pattern which can be forwarded to MIOS_DOUT_SRSet

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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