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Problem of controlers on my Midibox


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Hello everybody !!

I have a big problem with my midibox64 ( 64 potentiometers/faders , 62 buttons (and 62 LEDs), 1 encoder, 1 LCD and 8 banksticks ) :

1-When I make the assignation of a parameter of a software with one potentiometer by example, I can control the assignated parameter with the 8 potentiometers connected on the same register.

2-Same problem with buttons, and when I push them , the LED never shine .... ( even for the 4 MIOS buttons )

3-when I use the jog/shuttle encoder the assignated parameter goes directly to the maximum or the minimal value (it is an ALPS encoders, 24 impulsion/rd , and definited in main like NON_DETENTED )

4-Some  potentiometers/ faders don't work  ???

5-Some buttons don't work too  ???

I verify all the I.C , the soldered wires, problems of short circuit and.... I think that the problem comes from a bad programmation of the main files , or maube an other file I don't know it have to be modified  ???

Thank if you can help me !  ;D

Bye bye


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Hi Pierrot,

my suggestion: check the control elements with a simple test application first, before uploading the MIDIbox64 application, because if anything is not wired correctly, it's more difficult to sort this out with a complex program which (e.g.) unintentionally switches banks, activates groups, morphs the controller setting, or whatever... effects which you cannot explained by yourself so long you haven't used them.

So: begin with the buttons and LEDs. Upload MIDIO128 and check if each button triggers a single MIDI event. Send the same events back (e.g. with MIDI-Ox) to see if the appr. LED is working.

The encoder should send two events (since its connected to two pins), depending on the rotation state.

You could also use the dout_buttons application to check the LEDs (two buttons are used to select one of 128 LEDs), so that you don't need to send MIDI events

Once this is working, continue with ain64_din128_dout128, each pot should send a single controller event.

If you still notice problems, then just write down, which application sends which events --- this allows us to tell you which hardware connections are wrong. Based on your descriptions I would say that the AIN multiplexers are not working, and that the SCLK or RCLK line of the DIN/DOUT shift register chain is not or wrongly connected.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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