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button configuration


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I'm building some application for an interaction project at my university. I want to use the midibox64 configuration, but don't want to use the menu, page and other option because I don't have an LCD.

With mk_sys I've configured the pots, but how do I configure to DIN's to send a note on. In the midibox64.ini file, is written that I should disable the buttons in the asm file. How can I do that ?

I've looked in different files, but it's not exactly clear to me how everyting is organised.

Also the question how I can let a led ( on the DOUT ) burn on ( for 500ms or something ) :

- an incoming sysex string

- if a specific DIN is triggered and it should stop burning if I trigger another DIN

I don't have I clue how to do someting like this ( change the asm file ? )

Thank you in advance.

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Hi Kapser,

in order to disable the menu navigation buttons, you have to modify the numbers behind "#define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_*" to > 64, e.g.


 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_EXEC         64

 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_RIGHT        65

 #define DEFAULT_DIN_MENU_LEFT         66



For your special functions you need to program some additional code (and it isn't that easy if you haven't worked with PIC assembler yet)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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