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MB_LC (Mackie Control)


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Im having a few problems with my LCD displays they are Densitron LM4857 4x40 With HD44780.

I have wired them up as 2x40 ie only used 1 enable line from each LCD.

Should this be compatible with MB_LC?

My problem is as follows:

The characters are coming out scrambled tho, you can make out what it is spose to say but some of the letters are missing or wrong. Its really strange eg Instead of "MIOS 1.7" I get "MOS 1.7" or "MIS 1" or some other random variation. Its really doing my head in. I've rewired the core->lcd several times now. The LC application comes up on the LCD and does work its just that some of the characters are in the wrong place or are incorrect.

Any idea's

If my Ribbon cable was too long would it cause this problem?


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