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Newbie design enquiry!.au

Guest laze

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Greetings all,

I came across MIDIbox quite by accident while browsing Dogs on Acid Grid forum [dnb stuff]. I've been thinking for a while of buying a MIDI controller, but the idea of building my own is so much more attractive. Enough preamble and onto my questions. Any feedback much appreciated.

My biggest question is: What's the difference between MIDIbox64 and MIDIbox64E?

I'd like my design to be extensible, but I'm not sure which options rule out other options.

Here's what I would like to use initally at least.

32 rotary encoders [so 2 DIN]

9 faders [so AIN]

32 knob [so another AIN]

32 buttons [another DIN]

32 LEDs [DOUT]

and if possible 32 LED rings for the rotary encoders [another DOUT?]

and a LCD

Is this possible, and do I have the PCB count right?

I notice in the MIDIbox64E tutorial that 16x2 LCDs are being used what happens if you use a LCD with either more lines or more characters?

If I were to make a MIDIbox SID later can this connect to the existing setup in anyway other than MIDI?

Some info has suggested that non-detent are better than detent encoders, is this the case still, and why?

Anyone in Australia [preferably Sydney] know of a good place or method for making up a front panel, I can do the drilling and cutting, it's just the markings and labelling that I'm unsure about.

I'm sure I have more questions, but this will do for now.

cheers all


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The difference between m64 and m64e is the handling for encoders.

You seem to be going in the right direction, but you forgot your core pcb :)

Look under the MB hardware platform link on the sidebar, it should give you info for all your LCD needs.

I guess the non/detent encoders is a  choice. Using detented you can select individual steps easier, and well you can figure the rest.

If you browse through the forum, you might run into some methods for making labels for the panel layouts. I have seen several different ways, like transparent prinouts etc.... You might want to email someone who already has one done, they might be able to divulge some secrets to you.

Well I hope this helped...

If you have any more questions I'll try to help


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so if your buidling a MB64E your using encoders(uses din), if you build a MB64 your using pots/knobs (uses ain)

encoders are endless, so you cant read the values by looking at  the knob, therefore you need lcd or ledrings. The pro is that when you assign encoders to another (midi)function it will automatically be in the right position.

further if you build a mbsid you could make the LTC module on your MB64(E) to get a second midi out port; so you'll have one free midiout.  


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thanks for the responses, combining them and more reading of the info pages seems to have cleared up my concerns.

Hopefully I'll soon have my own box to display in the gallery. [ok not soon, a couple of paydays away, plus shipping and building time]

It was hard to decide whether to buy the PCBs from Mike's or SmashTV, but in the end the Austalian dollar is doing better againstthe USD than the euro. So Smash expect an order soon.

cheers all


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