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lcd 4bits

Guest komodo

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Does anybody know an elegant way to do this?

MIOS supports 4bit LCD mode on HD44780 controllers, and KS0066 seems to be compatible.

To set data communication in 4 bit mode, you have to override settings made by MIOS_LCD_TypeAutoSet function at startup. This can be done by MIOS_LCD_TypeSet function, read MIOS functions page:


My uneducated guess:

Appending (quoting MIOS function reference):

       movlw        0x37 | 0x80        ; E1: D.7, 4bit interface

       movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER1

       movlw        0x24 | 0x80        ; E2: C.4, 4bit interface

       movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER2

       movlw        0x00                ; LCD type 0

       call        MIOS_LCD_TypeSet

In main.asm of the application, in "USER_Init" section ,will do ;)

Bye, Moebius

p.s. Be sure to check MIOS function reference for minor hardware changes needed! ;)

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