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MBSID WT Sequencer Editor


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Hi all,

is it possible to modify the (CS) WT editor that changes are not directly saved into the EEPROM? It would be more convenient not having to first copy a patch to another location before playing around in the editor. I regularly destroy patches with it ;)


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Hi Seppoman,

so long the AIN handler is disabled, 128 bytes are free for the application which could be used as alternative RAM storage (0x380-0x3ff). You could store the modified WT data there. The WT sequencer (sid_wt.inc) has to be changed, so that it loads the step information alternatively from RAM. The CS_MENU_MS_Update_WT_Buffer in cs_menu_ms.inc has to be changed, so that it doesn't store the modified data in the buffer, but directly at the appr. RAM address. The CS_MENU_MS_Update_WT_EEPROM function has to be disabled, and CS_MENU_SaveBank in cs_menu.inc has to be changed so that WT data is transfered from RAM to EEPROM if this function is not used to copy data, but to store a new patch

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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