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MBSID doesn't send filter from master to slave


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Hi again, guys...

Here is what I'm wrestling with right now:

I have a two sid setup, with an analog joystick connected to the master core. I can control the filter of the master sid (8580) with the stick (thanks to d2k for the information to modify the files). But I can only control the filter of the master sid, and I want to control the slave sid (6581) filter simultaneously.

Other than that, the master/slave sids seem to work ok: after I press link and select both sids, they both play simultaneously, but the the stick only affects the master sid filter.

The program file on my slave sid is "setup_6581_slave1.syx", from the same folder as the joystick modified "main.syx", after running "convert.bat".

Okay, after further research, I found that when I change the filter channels, the slave sid (6581) loses volume when I put a filter channel on. When three channels are on, the sound goes totally off. Same results with 470 pF caps and zero ohm jumper wire.

...And after even more research, it seems that the 6581 is fried somehow... I tried it on a fully working C64, and on the Delta title tune, it was perfect, but on the Ace II title tune the growling bass wasn't there! And it seems that the Delta tune doesn't use the filter, but the bass sound in Ace II does! So, the chip seems to have lost the filter ability totally. Damn, I'm pissed.  And sad >:( :'(

Luckily I have another 6581 (I wanted to keep this chip untouched, though...), fully working in a C64, even after it spent some time in my sid module. But, still the filter doesn't work in the slave sid, but it doesn't turn the volume off, either... Any advice in this situation would be treasured!

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first question: did you also try to control the filter without the joystick? E.g. with the datawheel from the filter menu, or via CC?

I'm asking because the AIN driver for MIDIbox SID is totally unsupported and therefore could have bugs

Another question: are both SIDs selected on the control surface? For simultanous changes the SID1 and SID2 LED should lit (press both buttons at the same time to select the two SIDs)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, I took the 6581 module and made it the master sid, and the 8580 is now slave. I changed the programs on the cores, and both sids get the filter changes from the joystick simultaneosly, so everything seems ok for now (have to try some different caps on the 6581, though). Thanks, TK.

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