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CC display bugs in SID app ?


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when I send a CC volume message to my SID while in editing mode the value is set correctly but NOT displayed correctly in the CFG menu by the SID application... Only values divisible by 8 are displayed correctly by the SID app.

After looking in the sources I  noticed that all CC messages that use the SID_CCIN_Cmd_7BIT_TO_3_0 function in the SID app have this strange behaviour...

Could someone verify this?

Best regards


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More debugging...  ;)

After requesting a CC dump with the SysEx message F0 00 00 7E 46 <device-number> 0E F7 (with <device-number> = 0) also a wrong CC parameter value is returned from the SID ( except values divisible by 8 )

Some examples:

volume set in the SID menu:   0

returned CC value after requesting CC dump via SysEx: 0

volume set to 0, returned 0

volume set to 8, returned 8

volume set to 19, returned 16 ( 0x10 )

volume set to 32, returned 32 ( 0x20 )

volume set to 91, returned 88 ( 0x58 )

volume set to 120, returned 120 ( 0x78 )

volume set to 127, returned 120 ( 0x78 )

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Hi Thomas,

this is not a bug, but a feature.

The SID volume is a 4-bit value. This means that you won't hear any change when selecting a volume between 0 and 7, 8 and 15, etc...

the same is true for the other 4-bit parameters like attack/decay/sustain/release... it's a limitation by the SID

so, why shouldn't the CS just display the value which is really used? The 4-bit values are patted to allow the proper use with poor MIDI controllers which don't support min/max values (like NOT the MIDIbox controllers ;-)) and with poor sequencers which always display the 7-bit range in the automation

The value is not reduced to 4-bit resolution when editing the parameter directly on the control surface. This was to have the same "feeling" when tweaking different values with different resolutions.

If you don't like this, then you are allowed to change the source code, but you will propably switch to the original version as soon as you regognize what I mean ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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