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Recieving constant system exlusive message

Guest roboy

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Hi there

I'm builing a box with 14 buttons using only the the Core and DIN modules.  Whenever I load any syx file it looks to load ok using MIDI-OX or the sysebox but the only data i'm recieving from the box is a sys ex message of:

F0 00 00 7E 40 12 01 F7

This repeats every 2 seconds

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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I loaded midibox 64 v2.3 via midi which did stop the sys ex data but the buttons were not producing any data and when I powered down and back up again the original data repeats every 2 seconds

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No - the 2 second message means you don't have mios loaded yet. You only have the bootstrap loader.

You need to send the mios_v1_7.syx file from the MIOS download first - then send the main.syx from the MidiBox64. Remember you need to ground A0-A7 of J5 on the core if you aren't using any Pots. (or you can change the number of connected pots to 0 in the main.asm and re-assemble it.)


p.s. This really isn't a MIOS Programming question - it should be posted under Testing/Troubleshooting.

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