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Asleep in French class......


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Hey all!

I find it mildly amusing and quite annoying that buyers from France at my store can read and understand everything but the shipping options, out of the last 40 orders to France 24 wanted PCB only (flat mailer) shipping for thier kit/parts orders.   :-/

I'm very afraid of the "engrish" that the babel fish translator speaks, so if anyone could help me with these translations I would appreciate it:

Kits and or 9+ PCBs = Kits et ou 9+ PCBs

PCBs only, 8 or less = PCBs seulement, 8 ou moins

BTW: I really did not take French in high school, I would like to think that I would not have slept through it.........like I did English and grammar!  ;D

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


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Kits and or 9+ PCBs = Kits et ou 9+ PCBs

PCBs only, 8 or less = PCBs seulement, 8 ou moins

My wife is not French but she has taken a substantial amount of French in college.  She suggests:

Pris d'expédier:

N'importe quel kits ou plus de 8 pièces de PCBs = $

PCBs seul, 8 pièces ou moins de 8 pièces de PCBs = $

Price of shipping:

Any number of kits or more than 8 pieces of PCBs = $

PCBs only, 8 pieces or less than 8 pieces of PCBs = $

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