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Ref to my New Project thread in Design Concepts


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made some modifications to the schematic (block diagram) for this project


an addition of 2 IC's for latching / triggering.

One of these days I'll get  how to do assembler, get rid of the extra hardware and just do it with the midiboxCV app. 

But for the time being this woix  :D

If anybody has old V/Hz gear they want to drive from MidiBox,

message me and I will get real schematics done and posted!!

I'll keep you guys posted on progress.


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  • 3 weeks later...


    I got MidiBOX-CV with the J5_DOUT to work completely in software! 

  Thorsten, the code you sent back in January was what I needed.... just didn't have enough programming skills to find where the problem was.



movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W ; (contains the note value)

TABLE_ADD_W ; add to table pointer

tblrd*+ ; read byte from table

movf TABLAT, W ; result in TABLAT

;; now you can do what you want with the new value

it took me until today to realize... Parameter1 was NOT what I needed....  that's note on... i needed the key value.. that's parameter '2'

changed the line above to


and It reads my table and outputs the data I need for my strange D/A converter...

this let's me get rid of the 3 extra chips which I needed to do it in hardware.

THANX TK!!!!  ur the best!


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