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Dust in the Wind


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Hi All,

yesterday I put a first layer of (spray can) color on a new case, and a few seconds after I started the first small dust particle landed on the paint. The paint is a metallic one so there will be another 3-4 paint layers (color and clear). If new dust particles come in every layer the box will finally look like it has acne - not good... How do you guys cope with this problem? Is there a method to prevent this?

Thanks for any hints,


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First, do it in a room with good conditions (meaning not to much air flow) - garage is good.

Second, *right* after painting, either put it in a box you can close (like a box for shoes) or just put a box over it. The painted part has to be covered totally, so no more air can come in. This way dust won´t have to big of a chance.

Good luck!

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