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seq v2 finished and works! only a few kinks to work out...


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Hi everybody,

so i finished my seq v2 tonight and it worked on the first try!!!! :D

(thorsten, let me take a minute to thank you again for everything you've done.  the design of the seq is beautiful...not a single detail left unnoticed)

there are a few (minor) kinks in my finished box, however.  first of all, the regulator is getting VERY hot, even with a heatsink.  in addition to the seq (exact setup as thorsten's), i'm running a small midi thru module and the negative voltage converter for the bg micro lcds.  even with the backlights turned down about halfway, the regulator is out of control.  the leds are pretty bright also, but i'm not ready to go and add resistors to the outputs at this point.  i'm not convinced that adding a second regulator to power the two extra modules will make much difference (they're not really consuming much current, i don't think.  any suggestions?  does thorsten's seq design generally heat up the regulator a good deal?

second, i wired the bourns encoders from smashtv according to the info in this post:

perhaps i misunderstood, but now the encoders on my seq are reversed! :'(  is there any way to fix this in the mios code or do i need to rewire everything?

finally, the data wheel is extremely sensitive.  in other words, moving one click left or right often moves the cursor 2 or 3 spaces in that direction.  it's virtually impossible to get to the item i want.  why is this happening?  all of the other encoders are working fine, it's just the datawheel that is having problems.  any ideas?



EDIT: I'm using a 9VDC 1A supply.

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so i wired the regulator to a remote spot in my box that is well ventilated (and has a heatsink).  i also lowered the intensity of the backlights a little bit.  after running for about 15 minutes, the heatsink measures about 40 degrees C.  it's very warm, but i'm able to keep my finger on it for a while.  is this ok?  should i be worried about a short?  my guess is that everything is fine...i mean, i've got plenty of equipment that gets much MUCH hotter than that.

also, any help with the encoder/datawheel issues mentioned above would be great.



EDIT: so the seq has been running for about 35 minutes now and the heatsink feels like it's at the same temp.  doesn't burn me but it's definitely hot.  seems like it's staying at a pretty level temp though.  i really think it's just because it's a pretty big load for the regulator.  as long as it stays steady and everything works perfectly though, there shouldn't be a problem, right?

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Hi James,

thanks for the kind words! :)

Regulator: so long it doesn't fail, it's ok. You could mount the regulator directly on the metal case of your sequencer in order to improve cooling. The regulator of my own MBSEQ doesn't get hot, since the core module is powered by a (unregulated) 6V AC source

encoders: swap the two cables which are going to the DINX4 module to change the direction

Datawheel: I'm not sure, but possibly you have to change the encoder type in the setup_mbseq_v2.asm file from MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED to MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2

Thereafter rebuild the application like described here: http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi , jdutcher

please give us your finally working pining ,i will start to mount my encoder tomorrow ,and as is different solution given in the forum ,i 'm in the doubt now..or may be other one that already has already mounted this bourns encoder in the good way.

thank you all

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thorsten: thanks for the tips.  i'll let you know how everything works out when i finish.

moxi: the pinout for the bourns encoders i got from smashTV are as follows:

(see http://avi.dezines.com/mbhp/images/encspecs17.gif for the diagram at smashTV's store)

pin "A" goes to D1

pin "C" goes to Vs

pin "B" goes to D0

this particular example is for J4 of the DINx4 module.  use the same format for other inputs.  for instance, the wiring for J3 of the DINx4 would be:

pin "A" --> D5

pin "C" --> Vs

pin "B" --> D4

this setup works in my SEQv2 box.  if any of this is unclear, let me know.  also, smash, if you read this maybe you can post this info somewhere on your site.

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  • 1 month later...


I'm sorry for the confusion.

In fact the encoder of my sid box don't work correctly. It has some hopping in values...

Yesterday I receive the DIN boards (thanks Tim) and solder them. Then I connected the encoder and get the same problem as on the sid box. Values are hard to fix precisely and seems to increase of two step each time.

I tried to connect in other way but nothing better. My SEQ is program with the default Thorsten SEQ V2 binary. So maybe all encoder are not set in DETENTED2 ?

Here is my understanding of the SmashTV encoder pin out : encoder.gif.

Thank you for your support, encoders connections are a nightmare ;).


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Ok, I've to seen that I've to set the encoder in MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 mode in the setup_mbseq_v2.asm. Values set in mios_tables.inc and main.asm are not read if set in setup_mbseq_v2.asm. That was not clear for me. Thanks to the ifndef...

I will give a try tonight.


PS : James, are there any photos of your sequencer available online  ?

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hey ludo,

sorry for the late reply...i was away all weekend.  "detented 2" worked pretty well for me, but i do still get skipping values more than i'd like.  the bournes encoders from smash are cheap in price, but i have to say that i'm not as satisfied (yet) by them as i am with other encoders i've used.

as for pics of my sequencer....i haven't had a chance to take any yet.  i have to say that it's certainly not as nice as some of the other boxes i've seen in this forum, but it works well.  i'll try to take some pics of my seq and my sid for you.  i know the portal is a good place to post em, but i haven't investigated that thoroughly enough.  if someone wants to give me some quick instructions on how to get that going, please let me know.

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Finally I compiled with detented2 and it works perfectly.

I think I have to check my SID, maybe it's a similar problem, or maybe mecanical as read in some other posts.

Now I'm working on a draft front panel in wood... Work in progress...

Concerning posting your photos, you have to put them somewhere on the web and then put a link with the img fonction and with the url in.

Thank you for your help,


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