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seq v2 / midibox lc compatibility


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hi TK ,or other ,

i would know if at this time you can load the lc app ,or a midibox app in the seq v2  ,and you can easily switch from seq v2 to "classic" midi controleur app ,without the use of my computer to load one and the second?(i.e. using the banksticks)

i ask you that cause i want to use to contol the mixer of my worstation (where you're oblige to navigate with the cursor and turn the dial to move the two send ,and is very boring ,and so no way to use two send at the same time!!!!)that i use  sometime far far away from my house.

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A similar question has been asked before. I think the answer was no. the workaround....you need a sysex librarian to transmit the apps as sysex. this would be a pain in the butt to do live, IMO. Probably less frustrating to just build two boxes.

Maybe this could be possible, but I think a full app may be too big for the banstick.

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hi ,may be it could be possible to build a simple midi file player ,using an additionnal core ,and a 24LC512 bankstick ,in order to upload the second app code  ,if this one is only dedicated to do this work?

or someone can tell me how it will be hard to add another core in my box ,and switching a part of the interface  (the encoder and some buttons) using electronic "relay"(i'm not sure is the exact word in english : this things that can be switched through an external signal ,as them used to "temporise" the power on fonction on professionnal amp (and other too))

someone can reply?

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ok ,reading more the ucapps site ,i've seen its possible to drive relay with a core and a aout module ,so i will try to do something in this way :

the full seq +one core and one aout module ( or maybe just using J5 pin) to drive the relays + one core for the midibox apps.

do i will meet particular problem?

Must i add some "load" to avoid the core not running to be dammagged?.

please reply me ,someone ,or somebody else....

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an AOUT module is absolutely not the right module to drive a relay, you can control it with with a common digital MBHP_DOUT output + an ULN2803 like suggested at the MIDIO128 page.

But I don't see a chance to switch between different PICs by using relays.

A possible solution would be the use of a second PIC with a 64k BankStick for each application which uploads the code to the other PIC. This requires some programming effort at the MIOS application side and at the PC side (because you have to re-convert the .hex file in order to bring it into the BankStick).

This solution has two disadvantages: you need to switch the MIDI In port to the second core before the upload, and the whole procedure takes exactly the same time like if you would upload the code from the PC (which takes ca. 20 seconds)

I don't think that this is worth the effort (somebody else can do this if he want), especially if you only want to switch to a LC emulation, which requires a PC anyhow! Are 20 seconds really too long? How long does it take to boot your Windows PC? ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thanks ,DOUT was what i want to write.

I'm talking about a normal midibox ,and is midibox E that i want ,and i need all that because i don't take with me my PC when i go in live performance, and i want to have only one gear beside my drums machines and mixing desk(my arm are only about 1 meter long...)

"But I don't see a chance to switch between different PICs by using relays."

Even if using multiple "works" relay , between the cores and the common DIN module( i just want to "derivate" the encoders and some buttons ,i don't care about leds..;) ,and if i let unused core running ? i thinks it's possible to "simulate" the presence of the encoders by a "blind" load (but there are no resistances ,what matter will appear if they are not connected to the core?)

But i realise that the price of the relay and the two additionnal core will be more expansive than simply building another midibox .

thanks ,one more topic for nothing...

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