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Mixing 8580 and 6581's in MB SID

tarzan boy

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hello all wise,

forgive me if this is a redundant question; i've searched the forum and the website for more than an hour with no explicit answer; however this seems like a common question to be asked:

If I make a MB SID with both 8580's and 6581's, what PSU configuration should I use? The C64 power supply offers the two voltages, but if the 8580 requires 9V and the 6581 requires 12V, does this mean

a) I need at least 1 more PSU offering another distinct voltage

b)I convert within the MBSID box the voltage down from the 12V to 9V where its needed?

If the answer is b, how do i go about this? I hope there is some detailed document on the TK site I've missed because I need as many detailed documents as i can get; i've never put together something this complex  :-[



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Neither have I ever put together anything as complex as the MBSID, but slowly and surely I'm getting there. First, if you think that browsing the site for a couple of hours is a lot of work, then it might be better to forget about the whole thing... Ok, sorry about that, I don't want to discourage you - but I spent maybe 20 hours roaming around the site before I ordered any parts... This is not a quick one, let me tell you!  :)

Your questions:

You should use the C64 PSU with the optimized schematic, it will be all you need. The circuit will give you 5 V DC and 14 V DC, and the SID 6581 will get its 12 V reduced from the 14 V line by the voltage regulator on the SID module . The SID 8580 will get its 9 V the same way. The CORE module(s) will be happy with the 5 V.

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"First, if you think that browsing the site for a couple of hours is a lot of work, then it might be better to forget about the whole thing..."

har har. testy?! May i be more explicit and say that I had spent the past hour searching for that question but i've been frequenting the ucapps site for almost a year now but have not ordered parts yet because i have only been able to find 3 c64s and one of them has a busted sid?

So each SID module will have its on VR (also dissapating heat, shoot, i was hoping to avoid that somehow) but the core module and all the slave core modules will have no VR because the c64 PSU provides this, correct?

I just want to be super sure before i order parts; I moved recently to a foreign country (and to a really really small town) so its difficult for me to find the electronics store and ask for things if i forget something small in my order.


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Tarzan Boy, my lack of knowledge of your situation brought out the wrong words. My bad. I apologise.

Basically all the SID modules have their own voltage regulators (yes, some heat caused by them, but very little), but you could avoid this by regulating their voltages outside of the SID modules. For instance, put one 9V regulator and one 12 V regulator on the C64 optimised circuit board (if you decide to go this way,, you have to design the layout yourself anyway) and take the correct voltages for your SIDs from there and bypass the VR positions on the SID modules. The only thing that stopped me from doing this is the fact that I wanted to do the power chaining of the SIDs the same way as in TK's PSU schematics (just trying to play safe as there are the mystical possibilities of ground loops or whatever that might cause unwanted electrical noise if I changed the wiring). But I really don't see the heat dissipation of the VR's as a possible problem at all.

The cores will get their 5 V directly from the PSU, so you will get to ditch the VR's of your Core boards.

About the ordering and planning - yeah, I had to do it the same way, much planning trying to order all the necessary parts from as few distributors as possible to avoid huge postages. And still I ended up with some afterthoughts (like a filter joystick) that required additional ordering. It really can be a bitch getting that one part you need that can't be bought locally!

Keep on thinking up and then building the SID machine!  8)

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Thanks Jurbo.

Luckily i will be visiting my home country soon (US of AAAAAY) so I'm looking forward to ordering the basics for step A in cheap dollars from smash TV and get right started on some soldering in my parents' garage while I'm there.  ;D

I was also piqued in interest by the possibility of a joystick of some sort. That and a built in arpeggiator will be my outside of the boxes...

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