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yamaha ym 2149f ship


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hi ,

can i do something with the yamaha "ym 2149f" ship? ,maybe a "mini" MIDIBOX FM?

i tell you that cause i got 4 or 5 of this ships ,and as much " commodore  A500" ,where I find them.

Maybe someone have a link for info about functions of this ships?

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Project is still stalled in the design phase, unfortunately.  Lousy home decorating and wedding-related projects are killing all of my free time.  The den's almost organized, so I might get back to developing again soon.

The hardware end of things should be pretty easy - just loot the design of the MBHP_SID board (power supply, serial interface, output buffer) and modify it appropriately.  I made a few notes if anyone is keen on designing it themselves.  Unfortunately my ideas tend to be ambitious but I don't have much time to follow through on them.

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hi ,maybe i will be interrested by your notes .I'm a beginner ,and after i've read the datasheet of the ym 2149f ,i think it could be a better start than the sid to understand realy how are working this sort of sound ship.

you say your project is ambitious , but what i need is rather something very simple ,a project that can grow later ,following my knowledge ,so can i extract a "simple"  structure from what you often do?


and sorry T.K. ,one more time i've send a topic before searching in other posts ...

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