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How could I know what I burned in PIC?


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I burned bootstrap loader in a PIC, and I am getting midi signals in a midi ox input monitor but there is no any sysex requests.

I tried to send MIOS within a 2 seccond without midiboxes request. After it I am still receveing same signals (Pitch).

How can I know do I burned MIOS and application in a PIC.

Is there any complete midibox 64 hex to burn, so I dont have to send sysex MIOS, and application. Thanks in advance. Sasa

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Yes, everithing is OK before midi IO loopback. I couldent get signals going trough midibox. I have done midi loopback on my korg mikrokontrol, and it is OK. I used sysex loader for that. What can I do to past this IO loopback test?

I was so histerically happy when I found out about this great project, but I stil did not make it work (over a jear). I started with midibox plus. I dont know anibody in my cantry who can I ask for help. Or they know only about PICs or only about MIDI protokol, so it is very hard to find any help. First I thougt my biggest problem is PIC programming. I bought new programmer and get PIC with bootstrap in it, but I am not sure did I burned in it any sysex. As I said I am getting pitch MIDI messages every few secs. but I am expecting sysex, right? Confused! I am electronic hobbist, and I am surly know what is the right side of soldering iron, but cant get it work. When I saw the simplicity of proyect I was amazed and sure about my skills to build it, but I was wrong. Am I so stupid or  am I missing something important?

Once again... how can I know what I burned in PIC instead of bootstrap loader, and what should I do first to test if it is working.  I build one dout modul, but it can have some foulty too.Thx. Sasa

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My answer to your initial question:

> How can I know do I burned MIOS and application in a PIC

you could merge the .hex files with a text editor, but it wouldn't really help - because it won't fix the root cause, the MIDI Out  still wouldn't send proper MIDI messages.

However, from my experience the standard question "which tests are working" mostly leads to the inputs for which I'm searching - so, here a possible reason: you wrote that you've used a new programmer. Could it be that the programming software doesn't allow you to modify the device ID? Could it be that the device ID is ffffffff, so that the to-COM option is enabled (-> wrong baudrate). This would make sense, because you've noticed that some, but not the correct, MIDI data is sent.

The solution for this programming software problem can be found here:

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Lastn night I had nightmares about midibox and endles reprograming and testing. ???

I am confused about few things:

1. Before uploading bootstrap loader It needs to set ID. Default is ID = 0000000000000000. As I understand I can leave it like that because I want to use only one core, and no LCD. I also try with ID = 0000000000000012

2. What is diference between ID 0x00 and 0x12.For both it sais common MIDI interface/character LCD??? Which one to use for midibox 64?

3. When I "successfuly" burned bootstrap (with IC prog) I read out the data from PIC. Content was OK but ID was always ID = 0000000000000000 instead of ID = 0000000000000012 what I set before burning.

Should it always be like that or should I see ID = 0000000000000012?

I finish successfuly all tests: +/- curencies, optocoupler midi in out, loopback both midibox and PC. Everything seams OK but I still dont

get eny sysex.

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Hi Sasa,

2. What is diference between ID 0x00 and 0x12.For both it sais common MIDI interface/character LCD??? Which one to use for midibox 64?

ID 0x00 is ok in your case. I guess that you've found the different number (0x12) in the bootloader docs - this is only an example to point out where the device ID is located, just to give an orientation, and not a hint that this is a requirement to get anything working.

3. When I "successfuly" burned bootstrap (with IC prog) I read out the data from PIC. Content was OK but ID was always ID = 0000000000000000 instead of ID = 0000000000000012 what I set before burning.

Should it always be like that or should I see ID = 0000000000000012?

as mentioned above the ID is not relevant, it's even better when you set it to 0x00 again so that you don't need to change the device ID of MIOS and the application.

But it's strange that you read back ID 00 - I just tried this with IC-Prog and the JDM, I can read back the correct ID.

I finish successfuly all tests: +/- curencies, optocoupler midi in out, loopback both midibox and PC. Everything seams OK but I still dont

get eny sysex.

Could you please clarify if you are still using a different programmer (not the JDM) and that you are still receiving different MIDI events (like Pitch Wheel) instead of the upload request message? In this case I would say that IC Prog has a bug and can neither write nor read back the ID field properly with your programmer.

In this case I could also create a .hex which solves the problem

If this is not the case anymore, if you are not receiving any MIDI event anymore, then I could tell you more debugging hints. But you have to hurry up with your answers, because I will have some holidays soon

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I will try this as soon as I can. I can`t hury up wery much because I dont have internet at home. Shocked... don`t be. As I told you I`m trying to build this over a year, so I can wait more for you to come from hollidays. I never come here on forum so I didn`t expected that you are actually ansvering our questiont. You crazy freak! If I catch you before hollydays cool, if not have a fun, you dafinitly deserved it. And don`t go to Malasia or around because WORLD NEEDS YOU!  ;)Thx. again. Hear you.

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I forget to tell you... I am using IC Prog with All Pic Programmer. Here is pretty popular but is it good for midibox I don`t know?

I am using it because It is tested and it don`t use PC`s power suply. We mostly have chinese PC`s here with bad and unstable power suply and I`ve been told that All Pic Programmer is better because of that separate power suply. All Pic Programmer is build to work with IC Prog, and in its setting you should sellect JDM like you are working with JDM.

I didn`t try yet your last hex but I am sending you link to page with screenshots of my last midi imput monitor www.recycleordie.co.yu/problembox.htm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sasa,

I`m still confused about problem.

me too!

Which MIDI interface are you using? Port number 10 is displayed, this implies that you either have a lot of MIDI interfaces, or a big one with many ports - can you please post a snapshot of the MIDI Devices Window?

How did you route the ports? A second snapshot of the "Port Routings" window could also be useful, because it seems that KEY events will never be forwarded to port 10. It seems also that incoming events from port 10 will be forwarded to the output of port 10 (classical MIDI loopback) - this will cause a problem during MIOS upload

So - the two additional snapshots should bring some light into this strange behaviour

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Alright - thats the problem!

Do you see the feedback between the USB Audio Device In- and Output? I do! :)

So, right-click on this connection and remove it.

Thereafter the test application as well as the MIOS upload should work

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Could you just confirm me this configuration is OK before I continue.


What about MIDI in should it be conected somewhere or it is OK like this.

Thank you for your help, but I`m almost sure this is not the end because it also faild with serge`s loader!

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Yes, the routing is correct now - it should work.

MIDI In should not be connected, it should only be monitored.

Whats about the loopback test, is it working now?

Do you receive a proper the Upload Request message after power-on now?

Did you also try to upload MIOS with the SysEx tool of MIDI-Ox?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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>>Whats about the loopback test, is it working now?

It is not working, but midiox receaving something.

Here`s the snapshot: www.recycleordie.co.yu/midibox/last_shit.gif

>>>Did you also try to upload MIOS with the SysEx tool of MIDI-Ox?

Not this time, because loopback seems not  working.

Should I buy 16F877 and try with old design again?

Why nobody make complete and tested midibox, I woud rather empty my pockets and forget about building joy than lose any nervs. It seems so simple but it turns to be to complicate.

What should I do?

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with these results it is very obvious that you are using a wrong crystal, so that the PIC is clocked with the wrong frequency. This leads to the wrong baudrate.

From where did you by the crystal, whats the part number?

Normaly it's not hard to get the right one, but it can happen that a shop sells you a crystal for radio devices (which are working on serial, and not on parallel resonance)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Unfortunately there is no special mark, only the manufacturer can tell you if the crystal is the right one or not.

On the other side: in 99% of all cases you will get a parallel cut crystal if the distributor doesn't mention that it's a special type. Only unexperienced distributors don't specify the type

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Taday I bought new 10 MHz crystal and I will try everything again. What is interesting that nobody knows enything about serial/paralel crystal! All salesman looked me in wonder, even one electronic student said "trere`s only one type of crystal"!!!

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I`ve got new problems as I expected.

1. I brned bootstrap loader again, after werifying it sais OK. When I read data from the pic I noticed changes in config list. It sais:

CONFIG1:  2700


CONFIG3: 0100

CONFIG4: 0085




ID was: 0000...

What is happening? Did I demaged the PIC?

2. As I didn`t get any signal this time using midiox nor LED on midi out I checked woltages again. This time I didnt get +5V on a pin

25 ? What have I done now???

Thanks for the link for crystals. i will print it, and take it with me next time.

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I'm not sure about the configuration, it could be that all bits which don't exists are zeroed (so that the implemented bitfields are setuped correctly) - if the verify function says ok, then it should be ok

If pin 25 (the Tx pin) is not +5V, the PIC is not running (and therefore hasn't enabled the serial transmitter).

Now you've either a problem with the new crystal (again), or with the connections between crystal and PIC (check for shorts and broken tracks), or a new problem anywhere else? Hard to say over this distance

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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