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How could I know what I burned in PIC?


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I checked connections with meter and also with magnifiing glas. Didn`t find any foulty. I put old (20MHz) crystal again to see will I get those inproper signals or a LED fleshing. But this time nothing!!! I expected to get flashing like first time??? All I done is swap 20MHz crystal with 10 MHz and reprogrammed the PIC again with bootstrap loader. I expected same problems but this time even worse. No any signal.

I also tried to burn old PIC16F877 with proper .hex but it seems demaged since blank check fails, and progremmer gets pretty hot. I supposet that means it is not good.

Istarted to make new THE THIRD midibox again. The PCB (also made with photo technique) is slightly better but I am sure that`s not a problem. I don`t know what to do else than try to make everything from scratch. Mayby is problem with some micro leyer of soldering paste. I cleaned everything with alcohol after I made PCB, dont know where could be the problem. This project really made me feel miserable and stucked!

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You wrote that your programmer gets hot - could it be that it is damaged for some reason and fries the PICs? (makes them unusable)

What are the results of the IC-Prog hardware checks? (see the MBHP_JDM page for some instructions) I know that you don't use the JDM, but the measuring results should be the same.

This project really made me feel miserable and stucked!

Moaning doesn't really help you - there are a lot of people who would burn and especially test a PIC18F for free, even SmashTV sells preburned PIC18F452 for just US $9 + complete kits with all the components - and he doesn't do this to earn money, but to give MIDIbox Newbies a smooth start.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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You wrote that your programmer gets hot - could it be that it is damaged for some reason and fries the PICs? (makes them unusable)

When I put PIC16F877 programmer gets hot but with 18F452 it is OK. I read out the data and it looks perfectly OK. So I am almost sure bootstrap loader is in it.

Moaning doesn't really help you

You right about this, but all this tooked so much time and I feel like I`m not moving forward. Nobody seams knows nothing here in Belgrade about it. Not the one shop worker ever heard about diferent types of crystal. I printed page you gave me but they are still in wonder. Crazyness!

there are a lot of people who would burn and especially test a PIC18F for free

Do you think I should post another topic to ask some more direct help?

even SmashTV sells preburned PIC18F452 for just US $9 + complete kits with all the components

I already have few sets of new parts and PCBs. Only part I suspect now is crystal. I don`t know about situation now but not long time ago you couldn`t order nothing over the net from here, just books. Beacuse of the froads nobody wanted to accept orders from Serbia. We are shitty country, don`t you know that? You`ve seen it on TV surely. Maybe the only thing  I can do is to send cash to somebody to buy me a right crystal?

Anyway, thank you very much for your effort and time helping me here. I am impresed with your will and enthusiasm!

There is nothing in a world I wanted to make more than midibox. And I am still wondering how is so better than any comercial product on a market? I will finish my baby somehow! Some day...


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Do you think I should post another topic to ask some more direct help?

If no other volunteer can be found, then just write me a mail and I will send you my postal address

Or you try to contact Nenad, he is also from Serbia and has successfully built a very cool MIDIbox (see the MIDIbox Gallery for his email address)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I checked Smash TV. They also not sending to Serbia! Suprised?

Or you try to contact Nenad, he is also from Serbi

I know Nenad, I meet hem especially because of the midibox. Problem with Nenad is that he don`t know much of it. Some other guy made electronic for him. And that other guy have a kid, and no time at all, and bla, bla...

I told Nenad I will pay him just to help me. But nothing... 

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