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Higher quality tools


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Hey all,

I think it's time I upgraded from my cruddy old $20 soldering iron and got a few other bits for the new lab....

I want to get a nice digital temperature controlled soldering station, an oscilloscope and a good multimeter. I don't necessarily need an $800 Weller station (would be nice tho!), but I do want to go for something a bit better than the standard stuff... But the trick is, I don't want to pay full retail prices.

Anyone know of a good cheap source for these kind of tools? Multimeters seem to be easy to come by on ebay, and oscilloscopes are there but still pretty expensive.. I that's to be expected for a scope.. But soldering stations don't exactly feature prominently.

There are some no-name brand things there which seem to have all the right features, but I gather that they're not all they're cracked up to be.

Any advice?

While I'm at it I think I'll get some clamps and solder suckers and dremel style drills and all that kind of stuff. I want to get into DIY a lot more now, so I want to have lots of tools for the job. Any suggestions for other tools and accessories for a high-end hobby/semi-pro setup?

Thanks again all!

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There was a recent discussion about some cheap soldering irons (and the same place sells also a digitally controlled one):

Ah, the scopes. The damn things are not only expensive, but the weight and the shipping--- maybe ebay just is the best bet.. (IF you can't find some "Scope Specialists" store nearby, that does refurbishing for the scopes and sells the older models with reasonable prices..)

DMM's - No idea. It's a sort of specs vs. value-for-money thing.

Bye, Moebius

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I am strongly considering a Tektronix 7000 series mainframe. Theese are Modular units and can be configured as O-scope, Logic analyzer, spectrum analyzer, DMM and more, all by changing modules. Plenty of used ones in various conditions on Ebay, or for higher price (and calibrated) elsewhere.



For some info, the second one will help compare the different mainframes.

Of course you may decide this is not for you, but I list it as one possibility.



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