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Upgrading to MIOS 1.7 from 1.6

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so, I finally got around to doing this today - and I am not sure what is happening here. I loaded it onto the PIC, and it rebooted, and then it said "Mios v 1.6 c 2003" or whatever. So, did I get it on there? On 1.6 it used to say "ready" - this time it said nothing - but I tried and put the SID app on there as well. I am thoroughly confused here.

all hardware has been upgraded as well FYI. Thanks guys!

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the loader process have failed ,you must see "mios rebooting" at this end of the sysex send ,then "MIOS 1.7" ,then "READY".

maybe you forgot to set the correct delay value in your sysex configuration menu :






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well, I added more delay time, and its still doing the same thing. It does say "MIOS rebooting" but it reboots back to version 1.6, and does not say "ready". This is strange, becuase when I reload the OS on there it appears to be going onto the PIC - I mean, it does not load the SID app! I even tried it with a different PIC and the same thing happened. When I load the SID app onto the PIC it initializes. Maybe my PIC is just displaying the 1.6 heading? Do I need a fresh PIC to put 1.7 onto? I am stumped with this one.

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-MIOS 1.7 is displayed when it's MIOS 1.7 in the pic ,that sure!

-No need to put a new PIC to upload MIOS 1.7

-Are any message error in the confirmation strings send back by your pic?

are you sure that you click on "send sysex" within the two second after the first string is send by your pic :it's really important to do this AS SOON AS you see the first sysex string in your in monitor windows!! if you wait too long ,the mios start and then you can only upload application !

Are the "pass sysex" marked in the option Menu of midiOX ?

during the upload ,are you pic send back the confirmation string between each string?

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