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Program Change (UP/DOWN)


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Hi all,

anyone knows if it's possible to use 2 of the midiboxPlus buttons as "Program Change UP" and "Program Change DOWN"? I can assign a known program number to a button, but it would be more useful to increase/decrease the current patch number with only 2 buttons... hope some1 can help  ;D



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Yes, thats possible with the example Meta event which is already included in v1.909:

;; this example sends a registered value, it allows you to increment/decrement a program change:
;; first value: Fn - n stands for the selected MIDI channel
;; second value: if 00: decrement, 01: increment, 02: send without increment/decrement
;; third value: decrement/increment: don't care; else the value which should be sent and stored into the internal register
        ;; necessary definitions in midibox16.ini:
        ;;     1.1   =  F0 00 7F  @OnOff
        ;;     1.2   =  F0 01 7F  @OnOff
        ;;     1.3   =  F0 02 7F  @OnOff

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