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coron DS8 clone midification


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I was looking for a way to midify my coron's. In such a  way that I only have to add a core module to my 2 channel Marc Bareille DS8 clone to let it listen to midi. After searching I found that that the Midibox CV makes use of a core port to generate 8 triggers. Is it simply a matter of uploading the midibox cv application into core without adding lcd and aout module?

I want to make use of the 8 triggers for future drumsynth extension and program them so I can trigger the channels from C3 to G3. Do you have to program this into the Mios code or can this be programmed by sysex?



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After struggling through the forum and the mios-applications past weeks I think I know what I need here.

It might be possible with loading the j5_dout_v1_3b "How to save a DOUT module by using J5 as digital input" application. As I saw in the Mios_tables.inc this application is already configured to listen to C4 till C5. In another topic I saw this code has to be changed in the main.asm to give a good trigger signal:


clrf    MIOS_PARAMETER1       

movlw   0x00     

call    MIOS_DOUT_SRSet               

movlw   0x01     

call    MIOS_DOUT_SRSet     


Can somebody tell me if I'm on the right track?


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Hello Thorsten,

Thanks for answering. The required trigger time I don't know actually, one thing I know I can trigger it with a +5V trigger signal from my waldorf pulse +, so a simple +5V signal for 1 ms or a little more would probably do the trick, but I'll want to leave options open to make use of the other 6 pins in a later state (probably I'll try to build a couple of modules from Hallucogen's 808 project).

Does serial chains mean that it's only possible when you use an DOUT with shift registers in combination with the 128IO application (I see some shiftregister related codelines)?


BTW Big respect to what you've realised with the Midibox project. I never saw such a well-documented midi/audio projects site on the I-net.

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Hi Tijs,

thanks for your kind words! :)

Does serial chains mean that it's only possible when you use an DOUT with shift registers in combination with the 128IO application (I see some shiftregister related codelines)?

no - the "advantage" of the appr. service routines is, that it updates the DOUT chain each milisecond (the update cycle can be adjusted). This means that this behaviour can be misused to generate 1 ms triggers without deep programming knowledge --- the internal DOUT registers just have to be cleared after the update cycle, so that the pins will be reset with the next cycle, and it works.

For the J5 solution (which is only provided as an example) something similar could be realised with seperate 8bit counters for each pin. The counters have to be incremented within USER_Timer (which could be called each 100 uS or so...), and which reset the pins on a counter overrun. By doing this, you can realize configurable pulse lengths from 100 uS to 25.5 mS

However, on the other hand: I just remember that I tinkered some simple MIDI triggers for two Roland analog drum machines of a friend some months ago. I didn't spend effort on creating pulses with a defined pulse width.

The pins were set with a Note On event, and cleared with a Note Off event. It works perfectly

So - if it isn't clear to you if short triggers are really required, just try the J5 application without any modifications and it will possibly already work.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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