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PCD8544 based graphical LCD with mb64e


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i'm trying to finish my mb64e ,whith an nokia display ,but i can't see anything on the screen one time i upload the app.

my screen work ,with the test app ,with the Mbox LC and with the Mb64  ,but not with the one i want!!! >:(

have i to center the screen in a particular way?

i'm thinking about switching to the LC app in General Purpose Mode ,but i'm not sure it's possible to navigate and handle it with only one LCD ..


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the LC app is useless without a full size display.

Not sure, maybe the mios_vectors.inc and user_vectors.inc file of the MB64E package are not up-to-date, just copy them from the migration/ directory of MIOS V1.7 into your application directory and build a new .hex file

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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