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MidiboxLC: How do you design logarithmic scales for the mixer stripes?


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I'm still stuck with the design of my frontpanel-layout which should come close to the original mackie-design.

I have allready designed all the parts in mechanical-desktop. I also want to use a camouflage pattern as background.

The only thing I can't get done are the scales for the faders. For the pots scales I have used the FrontDesigner from

abacom. It also has logarithmic scales but not the kind that is suitible for mixers (the area between -6 and +6 db).

Does anyone know some template vectorgraphics or something similar? what applications do you use for

your layout? coreldraw?

I'm using "hartschaumplatte" as material (the same as in axels great design) and I want to glue a coulour print to it

and finish with some varnish....

best regards


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Hey Rambinator

I think best will be, to set the fader positions in your host and see, what the fader shows on your MidiBox. Even if this isn't the 100% correct posuition if calculated, it represents the true value on your host ... and that's what counts.

With Frontdesigner the trick is, to create your scale considering the smallest value step. If your controller needs a scale from -100 over unity gain (0) to +10 and your smallest step is 5 (like for example +5, -5 and -15) you choose the appropriate "Teilung" (don't know how it's called in the English version). In this case it would be 22.

I created an example:


After taking it over to the Panel, you just erase the not needed lines.

Hope this is what you're looking for.

Greets, Roger

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