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Code Example for 2-step Encoder Speed

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Hi there,

does anyone has a code example for the following behaviour of an encoder:

When tweaking slow, he should react precise. When tweaking fast, it should be possible to rise from 0 zo 127 with one 300° Turn. I thougt of combining a timer that measures the turning-speed and then to arrange the several speed procedures.

Best regards,


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Oh, are there any apps-examples that I do not konw  :o ?

In what apps, please? Do you have code example for this? Thank you  :)




Greets, Roger



        ;; in this speed mode the increment value depends on the

        ;; rotational speed based on the following formula:

        ;;    speed_ctr: decremented with every update cycle

        ;;    (-> MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet)

        ;;               (normaly 1 ms) to measure the time between

        ;;               two encoder steps

        ;;               Init value: 0x7f

        ;;               reaches 0x00 after 127 update cycles

        ;;              (normaly after 127 ms)

        ;;    MIOS_PARAMETER2: specified with the MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet


        ;;                     function, allowed values:

        ;;                        0 (fast)     -> divider = 2^(7-0) = 128

        ;;                        1 (faster)   -> divider = 2^(7-1) =  64

        ;;                        ...

        ;;                        7 (fastest)  -> divider = 2^(7-7) =   1

        ;; ->

        ;;    incrementer = speed_ctr / (2^(7-MIOS_PARAMETER2))

        ;; set speed for encoder #0 to "fast", speed exponent value is 2

        movlw        0x02                        ; speed exponent

        movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER2

        movlw        MIOS_ENC_SPEED_FAST        ; fast speed mode

        movwf        MIOS_PARAMETER1

        movlw        0x00                        ; rotary encoder #0

        call        MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet

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