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Ok, so where do I start?


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Hi all!  I am new to the forum (needless to say ;) ) and I'm looking at building an audio software controller.  I would love to build something that would emulate a Mackie HUI because most software supports this device.

Here is what I want to build:

I want it to have 8 channel strips, each with the following:

1.  Motorized fader

2.  hi, mid, low eq knobs (maybe even a mid-sweep knob, if possible)

3.  pan

4.  solo and mute buttons

5.  a "select" button with LED indicator

6.  a gain knob

I also would like a backlit LCD on it and USB implementation, in case MIDI is not available or I just want to use it quickly.  I would also like to have a motorized master fader.  To my calculations, this is 7 knobs and 3 buttons per channel strip, which is possible, right? 

I have a few questions:

1.  If this is doable, where do I need to start planning this thing out? 

2.  Would this be ran as a MIDIbox64?

3.  How much should I plan on investing in this thing until I get it finished?

4.  Is it possible, and how hard would it be, to add another 8 motorized faders?

5.  Where do you guys recommend buying parts?  My understanding is SmashTV has most modules ready in kits (which I will gladly purchase ;) ), but what about other things, such as motorized faders, switches, etc.?  Could I buy most things from Mouser?

I guess I had better leave this all in this one.  :)  Thanks and please excuse my ignorance.  If anyone has any good reading references, please do share.  Also, please do not feel afraid to correct me.  I'm here to learn!


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Oh, I forgot... I'd also like transport controls and maybe even at least a master LED meter bridge for stereo and "bank" buttons.  Ultimately, I am just looking to build a full-fledged controller.  :)  But, I'm thinking it may not be worth the effort if it will cost me as much as an actual controller.

One more question:  from some more reading and pics, it looks as though you can combine cores so that you can have more than the restricted 8 motorized faders.  How hard is this to do?  I'd LOVE to have 16 "channels" on this thing!  Thanks!


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hows it goin man. heres my view on it...

only hardware that supports motorized faders is the LC (logic control) system. so that will be your base. which will be better cause your using a host audio program.

keep in mind that this wont work with pro tools. they are to strict with their openness of adjustabiliy in the program for external devices to control it. cubase and logic are what most people use LC for but it can be used for other things if you want, but probably wont need the motorfaders for those...

on your list of things it looks fine to me... i dont know off the top of my head how to control a dedicated plugins adjustable functions like you want to do with hi/mid/lows. but i dont know if this is the best idea, reason being is that thats alot of buttons, and what if something doesnt even need eq, much less 3 bands on that channel, then your just taking up space on your board.

and #6. the gain pot? lol what are you trying to make a live board? you dont need a gain pot cause theres are no pres in here and motorfader is used for gain.

1.  If this is doable, where do I need to start planning this thing out?

  --- yes, easily doable, im doing a 24ch right now with 200 buttons so yes yours is easily doable. start with what motorfaders you want RIGHT NOW. i havent found an    ALPS motorized fader in the states so i'm having to get mine from germany. dont loose track of cost cause they are about 25$ a pop.

2.  Would this be ran as a MIDIbox64?

  --- nope, LC

3.  How much should I plan on investing in this thing until I get it finished?

--- huh? well, you havent said anything about the actual housing so keep that in mind. probably dont want to make a nice/expenisve box and have it in MDF

4.  Is it possible, and how hard would it be, to add another 8 motorized faders?

--- easy, add another core module. only 8 MF per core, im using 3x Cores.

5.  Where do you guys recommend buying parts?  My understanding is SmashTV has most modules ready in kits (which I will gladly purchase  ), but what about other things, such as motorized faders, switches, etc.?  Could I buy most things from Mouser?

  ---- MF will be hard to get, panasonics kind of suck and they are hard to find in the states, ALPS are not bad and thats what i went with. Penny and Giles are nice, and at 75$+ a piece i would hope so. knobs and stuff wont be a problem if you want conventional knobs. mouser has a pretty good selection and if you cant find it there digikey has it.

6. I also would like a backlit LCD on it and USB implementation...

www.crystalfontz.com is who i would recommend. figure if you want a graphic or character LCD first though. look at around 30$ for an lcd just buying 1.  on the usb you'll need a midi to usb convertor like an MAudio 4x4, which i believe is discontinued but can be found on ebay for around 100$, and just hide it in the box and have 1 usb out, and 3 optional ports on the back of the box for expandability.



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Hi Taylor!  Thanks for the reply. 

Wow, I didn't realize the price of motorized faders.  I think I'll stick with 8... lol.  I had considered doing 32 regular faders instead of 16 motorized, but I'll do 8 motorized instead.  I wish I could afford the Penny and Giles, I had originally wanted them, but alsp will do.  Where did you get your Alps faders?  Have a link?  Also, what length are you using?  I would imagine there's not going to be much difference between 60mm and 100mm since I think these only have a resolution of 128 from the midi, unless I'm totally off on that.

As far as the gain goes, I'm aware there are no pres, but there actually is a gain function within Nuendo.  :)

Thanks very much for your replies.  I'm not real concerned about an enclosure, but I am considering getting a nice front panel.  Any ideas on where to get that?  I'll do a search as well.

Thanks again!


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hey man. not a problem.

gotta be patient usually with these forums. people are spread out over all the world and time zones so it  takes a while, luckily i could help you out on this question  ;)

i got(getting) mine from www.albs.de, 100mm (which is like 4 or 4.5" travel), the Euro distro of alps japan products. mouser is always out of stock of the fader and it cost alot more.... the penny and giles are very nice, and expensive, and usually used in neves and ssl's (like the name,hehe). but those arent the same type of faders (those are faders with audio tracks and a audio taper, not linear, slope of adjusting).  as far as i know no one has tested a P&G fader in a midibox, its thought to work, but not really worth buying 24 of them to 'experiment' with.  correct about 60mm vs 100mm, resolution is the same just a smaller travel.

personally i wouldnt even consider non motorized faders. they are such a PITA, might as well use a mouse i believe. if you go faders then go 100mm and motorized halfway decent ones and cut cost in other ways, its the most important part of the LC imo.

on the panel i dont have to much to reccomend, im getting mine waterjet cut.  a guy thats building a MB64 ( i think its stickied on the top of this section of the forum) got the company that does that thing to do it. weird name cause they are from germany but have a US division in seattle i think.

np np.


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Wow, I didn't realize the price of motorized faders.  I think I'll stick with 8... lol.  I had considered doing 32 regular faders instead of 16 motorized, but I'll do 8 motorized instead.  I wish I could afford the Penny and Giles, I had originally wanted them, but alsp will do.  Where did you get your Alps faders?  Have a link?  Also, what length are you using?  I would imagine there's not going to be much difference between 60mm and 100mm since I think these only have a resolution of 128 from the midi, unless I'm totally off on that.

... if you're considering using 60mm or 100mm, I wouldn't think too much about ALPS or P&G. When you go for the ALPS V-Fader... they're moving in the same quality range like P&G. BTW: Most professional digitals mixers are using ALPS V-Faders today. Like Studer, LAWO, Stagetech... ;)

If you're interrested in ALPS V-Faders (about € 40.-) ... this bulk order is still open.

I'm sorry, the bulk order for the cheaper N-Fader is closed

Search the forum for fader resolution...

Greets, Roger

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albs.de is out of the V-faders i was told, actually they had like 10 left, not enough for me. might be enough for your still though, might want to email them.

roger, i thought the order was closed on the faders. i need these things in a MAX of like 4 wks. if there was any way you could get/ship before then i could consider but i dont know what your plans are for it  :( i really would like the V fader over the lesser grade ones.  :'(

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Thanks, again, for the replies!  :)

I have got some thinking to do about all of this.  I am also wanting to make a MIDI floorboard for my guitar rig (see www.freewebs.com/resilientaudio), but more than that, I've got to buy a new vehicle and move in about 3 weeks.  :)  After that, you guys will probably see a lot more of me and I'll hopefully get started on one, if not both, of my MIDI projects.  Thanks again for the info and the link!


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roger, i thought the order was closed on the faders. i need these things in a MAX of like 4 wks. if there was any way you could get/ship before then i could consider but i dont know what your plans are for it  :( i really would like the V fader over the lesser grade ones.  :'(

Hey Taylor

Hmmmm... yes, the fader order is actually closed. The N-Types are ordered since last week. But since Skunk and me were the only ones, who ordered the V-Type, we decided to wait. And yes, the thing with 10 V-Faders left over might be fact too. Mr. Schmidt told me once, that they have something over 60 pieces in stock. - So if you count our order (I hope they reserved them for us), it could make about 10 left.

Let me check with ALBS, how long I would have to wait for the new stock and I can think about, that you'll take mine and I wait for the new delivery.... stay tuned for an answer in the bulk order posting.

Greets, Roger

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