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Midibox Seq V2 - Information Request...


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I am waiting on the parts for my seq to arrive so I hope that this isnt an obviouis question that can be covered by using the sequencer... Anyhow I was wondering if it is capable of sending sysex commands in a layer instead of note messages or controllers. I have an old yamaha tx81z which I love to use, but it is only editable via sysex. I had a profile on my Kenton control freak which allowed for the tweaking of all the parameters (which my good friend made for me who is more into sysex than me) in real time via the Control Freak. I was wanting to be able to do the same thing so I could have 1 layer for the notes, and more layers used to tweak the envelopes, filter etc per step. Is this possible with the current software? If not is is possible to integrate this feature into the application to allow for the transmission of sysex per step? I saw there is a sysex button on the panel, but havent really seen anyone talking about it or any real info (maybe im looking in the wrong place??)

Any feedback would be appreciated.



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Hi John,

yes, it's possible to send SysEx by doing some small code modifications.

Just open the "midi_evnt.inc" file and search for MIDI_EVNT_Send_Fx --- this code normaly forwards MIDI events to the AOUT module. You can remove this code, and replace it by a routine which sends any MIDI stream you want.


;; send a sysex stream (example code)
movlw 0xf0
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
movlw 0x11
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
movlw 0x22
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
movlw 0x33
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

movf MIDI_EVNT1, W ; Layer A value
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

movf MIDI_EVNT_VALUE, W ; Layer B value
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

movlw 0xf7
call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

rgoto MIDI_EVNT_Send_End

You could also select different SysEx strings (for different synths) with the remaining "MIDI channel" (which is stored in MIDI_EVNT0, but not used here). And you could calculate a checksum if required... etc

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you so much!

Normally with my Kenton Control Freak I program it so that the system exclusive code has the following kind of layout:

Start sysex

Manufacture ID

Device ID

What Im changing

Value from the slider *

End of message

* This is what I want to be sent from the knobs, so the whole message would be resent on each step with this new vaule changed depending on the value of the knob. Is this possible with the modification you mentioned? I have not got the parts to build my seq (but there on the way!!) yet so cant check, but full of ideas!

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With MBSEQ you really can send any MIDI stream you want:

Start sysex            - thats the 0xf0

Manufacture ID    - thats a number which you can get from the manual of your TX81Z

Device ID              - thats a number which you can get from the manual of your TX81Z

What Im changing  - thats normaly MIDI_EVNT1

Value from the slider *  - thats normaly MIDI_EVNT_VALUE

End of message    - 0xf7

This is what I want to be sent from the knobs, so the whole message would be resent on each step with this new vaule changed depending on the value of the knob. Is this possible with the modification you mentioned?

of course --- and not only this. When you select the "controller mode" for one track, you have one row where you can change SysEx parameters statically if you want (e.g. basic sound settings which belong to the pattern)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im still building the sequencer, but have decided I want to be able to control some CV/Gate controlled synths with it to, so I have ordered the Aout board. How would this work with the sysex modificaiton you mentioned (if at all) and also as a side question does anyone know where I can order the max525 IC's from, particularly in Australia? I went to maxic and asked for a quote, but no response so still looking around. It would be great if someone sold an Aout kit.

Thanks in advance!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot tell you where to by the MAX525 in Australia, but concerning the SysEx mapping: just use any MIDI event which you don't like to use --- if AOUT is required, hook the SysEx handler to Pitch Bend, or Aftertouch, or ...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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