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Final firmwares of MB16E/MBMF but...


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...without documentation about the different possibilities yet, and therefore no official release.






The mk_syx archive contains some example configurations for LC and Houston emulation. As you can see, I haven't re-engineered all buttons of the Houston controller yet (it's only a question of effort...) but if somebody would like to complete the list: step forward! :)

I've planned to write HOWTOs for both emulation types, but it could take a while...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Now also the MIDIbox64 can be used to emulate a Houston or Mackie/Logic Control. :)

However, only the Houston mode is really useful, since the protocol works with absolute values (for faders and V-pots!) and since you can connect a 2x40 LCD to the MIDIbox64.  The Mackie emulation is unusable without rotary encoders and a larger display...

The new firmware features also LED mapping and MIDIbox Link



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The new firmware features also LED mapping...

Does this mean that I can assign LED no2 to Button no15 for example? In fact I don't understand how LED's are behaving with midibox 64... :-/  

Was every LED already assigned to one Button before the new firmware?

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Hi Cyril,

not every particular LED can be assigned, but the DOUT registers (group of 8 LEDs).

In the old firmware the DOUT registers were statically assigned to the DINs:

DOUT1 <= DIN2 and MIDI status

DOUT2 <= DIN3 and MIDI status

DOUT3 <= DIN1 and MIDI status

DOUT4 <= DIN4 and MIDI status

DOUT5 <= DIN5 and MIDI status

DOUT6 <= DIN6 and MIDI status

DOUT7 <= DIN7 and MIDI status

DOUT8 <= DIN8 and MIDI status

("DINx and MIDI status" means: each digitial output is controlled by a button and by the appr. incoming MIDI event which is assigned to that button)

The strange DIN/DOUT mix was necessary, because most people used only three DINs and two DOUTs - DIN1 has some dedicated functions (navigations buttons) which don't require a LED.

But with the special function buttons and especially the Houston/LC emulation, a more flexible solution was necessary-> the LED maps.

With LED maps you can mix the DIN->DOUT assignments like you want. And it is also possible to assign the DOUTs to other functions:

DOUTx <= MIDI status of DINx only (necessary for the emulation modes, where solely the host application has to control the LEDs)

DOUTx <= internal/external Bank number (in theory, also a LED digit could be driven by one DOUT register)

and planned for MIDIbox64SEQ:

DOUTx <= Sequencer Pos of current track (left/right part)

DOUTx <= Sequencer Pos of track 1/2/3/4 (left/right part)

However, it will be more clear when you are able to play with the different settings. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: from midibox16e.ini

# LED Map: assignes the LED shift registers to the Button Shift
# registers or special values
# Currently following values are supported:
#    0     Default Setting (see Map below)
#    1     Button Shift Register 1 (Button ID #1-#8)
#    2     Button Shift Register 2 (Button ID #9-#16)
#    3     Button Shift Register 3 (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24)
#    4     Button Shift Register 4 (Button ID #25-#32)
#    5     Button Shift Register 5 (Button ID #33-#40)
#    6     Button Shift Register 6 (Button ID #41-#48)
#    7     Button Shift Register 7 (Button ID #49-#56)
#    8     Button Shift Register 8 (Button ID #57-#64)
#    9     Internal Bank (1 of 8)
#   10     External Bank (1 of 8)
#   11-15  reserved
#   16     MIDI Status received for Button ID #1-#8   ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   17     MIDI Status received for Button ID #9-#16  ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   18     MIDI Status received for Button ID #17-#24 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   19     MIDI Status received for Button ID #25-#32 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   20     MIDI Status received for Button ID #33-#40 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   21     MIDI Status received for Button ID #41-#48 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   22     MIDI Status received for Button ID #49-#56 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   23     MIDI Status received for Button ID #57-#64 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!)
#   24-31  reserved
   LED_SR1 = 1    # (Button ID #1-#8)
   LED_SR2 = 2    # (Button ID #9-#16)
   LED_SR3 = 3    # (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24)
   LED_SR4 = 4    # (Button ID #57-#64)
   LED_SR5 = 5    # (Button ID #25-#32)
   LED_SR6 = 6    # (Button ID #33-#40)
   LED_SR7 = 7    # (Button ID #41-#48)
   LED_SR8 = 8    # (Button ID #49-#56)

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