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MIOS upload problems... with mac


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Hi All!!

I´ve got my MBSEQ v2 half ready,... now I´ve got to upload MIOS and SEQ app.

.........using an apple i-book G4 with OSX 10.3 ......and SysEx Librarian.... and emagic 6/2 Interface ....

I´m not able to upload MIOS in the PIC (with bootloader) via MIDI >:(

Anyone an idea ???



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yes, do try MIOS Studio. i found it to be a much easier interface to use.

don't forget to route your midi connections. i always forget to do that.....

edit FYI: i've been using MIOS Studio on a PC, but i've been having some problems with it on my ibook. it's not recognizing my interface (M-Audio 1x1). the computer recognizes it, but MS doesn't.

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I tried MIOS Studio for mac,... looks good but don´t work (with my Interface?).... I can´t monitor incoming MIDI and upload dos not work..... with SysEx Librarian, I can monitor incoming MIDI-events, but can´t upload via sysex..


Core-Module is ok( I´ve tested it with my MBSID)

PIC seems also be ok, because I´ve tried several PIC´s, even with MIOS right on it ( I can´t upload SEQ app. instead of SID app. )

unfortunally I´ve got not enough money to buy a new Interface ::)

What to do next???

Thanx for your fast replies,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to refresh this topic... but :)

I really want to do the MIOS and the other App. uploads by myself...... and I was wondering, if anyone has success with a mac i-book with OSX and with wich Midi-Interface and with wich program ???



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