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[MidiboxSEQ Layout] - Same with Pots?


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I want to start building a MidiboxSeq, and I almost have anything i need. But naturaly there are some Questions first.

I want to build The MBSeq like on the following Layout http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq/mbseq_panel_proto_final.gif but with Pots instead of Rotary Encoders.

Is there Anything i have tho know, or are there no Problems at all? If you want to tell me that rotary encoders whould be the better way, i know. But i have a lot of Pots here, and I don't want to buy a lot of Encoders just for this.

Hope you can help me, so i can start burning this thing together :-)

Thanks in advance


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i can't help but saying; reconcider the encoders, spend 20 euro more for way more flexibility.

however this is diY so if you are sure;

check if you want the pots panel mount or pcb mount, if panel mount you havew to adjust the size of  the holes to the size of the pot shaft (with thread, not the bare shaft ofcourse), if pcb mount, you can use these holes if you are going to use the same size of knobs as TK's original, otherwise adjust them to your knob size (+a tiny bit of space so it can turn free).

in any case check if the body of your pots with solder terminals isn't too big.

cheers, marcel

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Thanks for your answer. If they are only 20€ in germany, I'll rethink the Encoder/Pot thing. I Thought the would be more expensive.

But my question i meant an other thing. Does it work if I exchange them all, or do I need some buttons or Pots adittionaly. The space should be not the problem, I'm just asking for the numbers of buttons, pots/encoders and led. The layout will be an completely different, and that's why I'm asking, I'm drilling it right now, so i need to know the number of parts ;-)


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