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troubles with SHX8


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I dont know how to get my SHX8 module to work. I tested all the components involved, the core and the AOUT work fine, tested them with MIDIboxCV.

I connected the modules acording to this schema:


and this schema:


the shx8 has all the ground where there is supposed to be ground and 5v where there is supposed to 5v.

I have two SHX8 modules, both show the same effects (or better: none).

I send controller values to the midibox and follow the midibox64.ini configuration for the pots:

pot 1..16 channel 1..16 controller 91

pot 17..32 channel 1...16 controller 93

pot 33..48 channel 1...16 controller 74

pot 49...64 channel 1...16 controller 7

the tested output pin doesnt show any signs of change when I test with all above controllers, sometimes there is a flickering, but really minimal.

can somebody help me here? do I have to make additional entries in the midibox64.ini? or do I assume right that like between the buttons and the leds, the 64 AOUT correspond with the Pots?

best regards


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hm... and do you notice any change at the unmultiplexed AOUT output #1 when you are sending CC#91 value 0..127 over channel #1 .. #8?

You could also disable the AMUX feature for this test, this makes it easier. In this case AOUT output #1 should be directly controlable with CC#91 Channel #1, output #2 over channel #2, etc.

(no change in midibox64.ini is required, the outputs directly correspond to the events specified for the analog inputs)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten

It works. My mistakes (as I learnd to expect):

First I was mistaken: NO, I didnt switch on AMUX. I was 100 percent sure (though when I replied I wasnt able to check). Please excuse.

Switching on didnt work either -> cause the one I wired up has a problem. the second one works fine (which obvioulsy didnt work either before because AMUX was switched off).

Building two midiboxes with all the modules has helped me tremendously to find those little soldering glitches a newbe is prone to make.

thank you very much

best regards


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