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Digital board problem. [eDrum]


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Well, seeing this is an open help forum, I might as well posting here as I have no luck there over at www.eDrum.info, don't get me wrong, they are really helpful. So hopefully, you good fellas would help me here.

Okay, I've just built the Digital Board and just one problem I've encountered. When I applied 5v to the circuit, everything is fine, MIDI Led blinks showing that my PIC is working correctly but the thing is, my LCD doesn't work as it just shows blocks the whole time.

Firstly, it'll be shown like this.



then after a couple of seconds,


I think I'm using the right LCD needed. My LCD is 14pins and has 2 Chips which is Hitachi HDD4780 and SANYO LC7930. Any ideas? I'm all ears to any ANY suggestions.


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hi; first off this is actually a forum about building MIDIboxes only (check the ucapps.de site)

but to rty and help you, i think your pic is not working correctly (maybe got no software or s-ware with wrong LCD-driver?) or you got your lcd wired the wrong way.

A LCD always shows black bloacks when it's powered on but isn't getting any info.

anyway; i think the e-drum forum is the best place fore you to ask; because most people here don't know anything about this project.


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