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My MIDIbox SEQ... 100% sorted & finished


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you may need to adjust the resistor values for driving the leds, you may find that they need a lower one than the defaults in mios ..to get the best from them (without blowing them ;)

please, post some pictures.. that would be very helpful

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Moogah I think you're using a different technique to artesia - he was using flexible rubber tubing. You're doing it pay_c's way, by cutting solid acrylic rods, right? .... Just thought I'd clear that up, causeI think you might be comparing apples and oranges ;)

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Moogah I think you're using a different technique to artesia - he was using flexible rubber tubing. You're doing it pay_c's way, by cutting solid acrylic rods, right? .... Just thought I'd clear that up, causeI think you might be comparing apples and oranges Wink

Indeed!  These are two different materials then.  Apparantly that material works MUCH better than acrylic in terms of spreading the light out instead of just letting a beam pass through it. 

I have, however, found something interesting.  A friend of mine has a new modem and it uses what must be the exact kind of material we would want for making buttons like this.  I can't find a good picture of it but the modem uses little plastic cones to bring the light out to the front of the case and they light up VERY well, even better that pay_c's buttons.  I'm going to begin finding out what kind of material this is and if it is available.

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ah, right.. btw the later pictures of microswitches lit in a ring fashon are not used in the step sequencer at the beginning of this post. they are for the mbfm & mbsid projects i have been too busy and ill motivated to finish lately..

In the case of that example, i am just using flexable plastic tubing which can be obtained from any fish (pet), garden, car, or hydro store - for pennys.

Drop into one such place & get some to experiment with.

As for the big round buttons on the sequencer ..they are all mec switches.. with a little mod work in the case of the bigger illuminated ones ..re-read the post for those details (they dont use flexi plastic tubing ;)

btw, have thought of picking up some hard plastic acrylic tubing/bar to experiment with.. however most of the suppliers here for it are rip-off expensive.

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